pipe道Redis发布到套接字? Node.js的


redisClient.publish('global-channel', data); 

客户端需要能够连接到服务器并收听全球广播。 这种方法有什么问题吗? 特别是,为每个套接字连接创build一个redisClient?

 io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){ var socketRedis = redis.createClient(); socketRedis.subscribe('global-channel'); socketRedis.on('message', function(ch, msg){ socket.emit('event', msg); }); }); 

我是Node,Redis和socket.io的新手……还在学习哪一块应该处理某些任务以及在哪里(服务器和客户端) – 谢谢!


 var socketRedis = redis.createClient(); // Subscribe to the channel only one time socketRedis.subscribe('global-channel'); // Accept any connection you want from socket.io io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){ // Do what you want here }); // Add only one listener to the channel and broadcast // the message to everyone connect on socket.io socketRedis.on('message', function(ch, msg){ io.sockets.emit('event', msg); });