Nodejs for-loops并等到循环完成


//Marks all users which are reading the book with the bookId var markAsReading = function (bookId,cb) { User.find({}, function (err,users) { if(err) cb(err); //Go through all users with lodash each function _(users).each(function (user) { //Go through all books _(user.books).each(function (book) { if(book.matchId === bookId) { user.isReading = true; //cb(); } }); }); //Need to callback here!!#1 cb(); -->Not working! }); //Or better here! cb() --> Not working }; exports.markAsReading = markAsReading; 

我用mongoose和mongodb使用nodejs。 我想做的事:

  1. 用mongoose从MongoDB获取所有用户
  2. 在lodash的帮助下,每个function都经过所有的用户
  3. 在每个用户上通过用户书籍(也与lodash和每个)
  4. 如果当前bookId与函数参数 – >设置书籍“isReading”属性 – > true中的bookId相匹配





我finaly soved与这种模式的asynchronous库这个问题:

 async.forEach(list,function (item,callback) { //do something with the item callback();//Callback when 1 item is finished }, function () { //This function is called when the whole forEach loop is over cb() //--> This is the point where i call the callback because the iteration is over }); 


 var nimble = require('nimble'); var markAsReading = function (bookId,cb) { User.find({}, function (err,users) { if(err) cb(err); nimble.each(users, function (user) { nimble.each(user.books, function (book) { if(book.matchId === bookId) { user.isReading = true; } }); }); cb(null); }); };