
我正在尝试从Addy Osmani的书“开发Backbone.js应用程序”中运行一些示例代码。 一个练习提供了一个package.json文件,我用它做了一个npm install ,并安装了Express,Mongoose和Path。 从那里我跑了node server.js从相同的目录,它给了我这个错误:

 Express server listening on port 4711 in development mode events.js:72 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: failed to connect to [localhost:27017] at null.<anonymous> (C:\backbone-fundamentals\exercise-2\node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\mongodb\lib\mongodb\connection\server.js:648:74) ... at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13) 

我假设它连接到Mongoose数据库有一个问题,但作为一个业余的Node.js,Express或Mongoose,我不知道从哪里开始debugging。 我如何检查Mongoose是否正确安装? 顺便说一句,我在Windows上。


 'use strict'; // Module dependencies. var application_root = __dirname, express = require( 'express' ), //Web framework path = require( 'path' ), //Utilities for dealing with file paths mongoose = require( 'mongoose' ); //MongoDB integration //Create server var app = express(); //Connect to database mongoose.connect( 'mongodb://localhost/library_database' ); //Schemas var Keywords = new mongoose.Schema({ keyword: String }); var Book = new mongoose.Schema({ title: String, author: String, releaseDate: Date, keywords: [ Keywords ] }); //Models var BookModel = mongoose.model( 'Book', Book ); // Configure server app.configure( function() { //parses request body and populates request.body app.use( express.bodyParser() ); //checks request.body for HTTP method overrides app.use( express.methodOverride() ); //perform route lookup based on url and HTTP method app.use( app.router ); //Where to serve static content app.use( express.static( path.join( application_root, 'site') ) ); //Show all errors in development app.use( express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true })); }); // Routes app.get( '/api', function( request, response ) { response.send( 'Library API is running' ); }); //Get a list of all books app.get( '/api/books', function( request, response ) { return BookModel.find( function( err, books ) { if( !err ) { return response.send( books ); } else { return console.log( err ); } }); }); //Get a single book by id app.get( '/api/books/:id', function( request, response ) { return BookModel.findById(, function( err, book ) { if( !err ) { return response.send( book ); } else { return console.log( err ); } }); }); //Insert a new book '/api/books', function( request, response ) { var book = new BookModel({ title: request.body.title, author:, releaseDate: request.body.releaseDate, keywords: request.body.keywords }); function( err ) { if( !err ) { return console.log( 'created' ); } else { return console.log( err ); } }); return response.send( book ); }); //Update a book app.put( '/api/books/:id', function( request, response ) { console.log( 'Updating book ' + request.body.title ); return BookModel.findById(, function( err, book ) { book.title = request.body.title; =; book.releaseDate = request.body.releaseDate; book.keywords = request.body.keywords; return function( err ) { if( !err ) { console.log( 'book updated' ); } else { console.log( err ); } return response.send( book ); }); }); }); //Delete a book app.delete( '/api/books/:id', function( request, response ) { console.log( 'Deleting book with id: ' + ); return BookModel.findById(, function( err, book ) { return book.remove( function( err ) { if( !err ) { console.log( 'Book removed' ); return response.send( '' ); } else { console.log( err ); } }); }); }); //Start server var port = 4711; app.listen( port, function() { console.log( 'Express server listening on port %d in %s mode', port, app.settings.env ); }); 

在上述书的第106页, 开发Backbone.js应用程序 ,它说安装MongoDB:

从mongodb.org下载并安装MongoDB。 网站上有详细的安装指南。


