

/** * eLog - displays calling line number & message & dumps vars as pretty json string * @param {string} msg - string to display in log message * @param {any} dispVars - any number of variables (ellipsis , aka Rest parameters) to dump */ function eLog(msg:string,...dispVars:any[]){ let caller_line = (new Error).stack.split("\n")[4]; console.log(`eLog->Line#${caller_line}->${msg}->`); console.log(JSON.stringify((new Error).stack.split("\n"),null,2)); dispVars.forEach(value => { console.log(JSON.stringify(value,null,2)); }); } 


 eLog("eLog Test",this); 

虽然这确实做了适当的.js文件行#转储,我需要源代码行, .ts行号。 我怎样才能正确地产生这个?

这个晚上我经历了这个事情,想出了一个我很满意的function。 感谢您的入门帮助,


 require('source-map-support').install({ environment: 'node' }); /** * eLog - displays calling line number & message & dumps vars as pretty json string * @param {string} msg - string to display in log message * @param {any} dispVars - any number of variables (ellipsis , aka Rest parameters) to dump * {@link https://github.com/evanw/node-source-map-support usable by typescript node-source-map-support module} * {@link https://github.com/mozilla/source-map/ Mozilla source-map library & project} * {@link http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/ good introduction to sourcemaps} */ export function eLog(msg:string,...dispVars:any[]){ /** * go one line back for the caller * @type {string} */ let stackLine = (new Error).stack.split("\n")[2]; /** * retrieve the file basename & positional data, after the last `/` to the `)` */ // let caller_line = stackLine.slice(stackLine.lastIndexOf('/'),stackLine.lastIndexOf(')')) /** * test for no `/` ; if there is no `/` then use filename without a prefixed path */ if ( caller_line.length == 0 ) { caller_line = stackLine.slice(stackLine.lastIndexOf('('),stackLine.lastIndexOf(')')) } // /** * filename_base - parse out the file basename; remove first `/` char and go to `:` */ let filename_base = caller_line.slice(0+1,caller_line.indexOf(':')); /** * line_no - parse out the line number ; remove first `:` char and go to 2nd `:` */ let line_no = caller_line.slice(caller_line.indexOf(':')+1,caller_line.lastIndexOf(':')); /** * line_pos - line positional - from the last `:` to the end of the string */ let line_pos = caller_line.slice(caller_line.lastIndexOf(':')+1); console.log(`eLog called by ${filename_base} on line# ${line_no} @ char# ${line_pos} said:\n${msg}`); // print out the input variables as pretty JSON strings dispVars.forEach(value => { console.log(JSON.stringify(value,null,2)); }); } 



b。)您将需要js – > ts的sourcemaps工作。 让事情变得简单的东西已经不存在了。 使用源映射的事实上的原始包是: https ://www.npmjs.com/package/source-map