
javascript / node.js中有一种方法来区分由正则expression式创build的捕获组吗? 例如,正则expression式: /([AZ]+\[[^\]]+])|(\d+)/g9 and 4687 matches but not NUMBER[9] or NUMBER[9568] However, [401] should match...将创build两个捕获组:

  • 第1组:第NUMBER [9]和NUMBER [9568]
  • 第2组:9,4687和401

我想要的是在我的文字上添加NUMBER[]周围的标签NUMBER[] 。 有没有办法像text.replace(regexp, 'NUMBER[$&]', SECOND_GROUP)

编辑:输出将是NUMBER[9] and NUMBER[4687] matches but not NUMBER[9] or NUMBER[9568] However, [NUMBER[401]] should match...


 var regex = /([AZ]+\[[^\]]+])|(\d+)/g; var str = `9 and 4687 matches but not NUMBER[9] or NUMBER[9568] However, [401] should match...`; var res = str.replace(regex, function($0,$1,$2) { return $2 ? "NUMBER[" + $2 + "]" : $0; // If Group 2 matched, use special value, else paste back the match }); console.log(res);