平均值和地理空间查询 – find相交的另一个LineStrings命名

我试图build立一个应用程序使用平均水平,但现在我卡住时,试图find linestrings intersecting on another one given its name

例如,给出以下图像, poly1poly2应该有交点,而poly3不要。



 { "_id" : ObjectId("57ab2107505ab11b1bd8422e"), "name" : "poly1", "updated_at" : ISODate("2016-08-10T12:41:43.789+0000"), "created_at" : ISODate("2016-08-10T12:41:43.780+0000"), "geo" : { "coordinates" : [ [14.59, 24.847], [28.477, 15.961] ], "type" : "LineString" }, "__v" : NumberInt(0) } 


 { geo :{ $geoIntersects:{ $geometry :{ type: "LineString" , coordinates: [ [14.59, 24.847], [28.477, 15.961] ] } } } } 

而当我在Mongoose上运行查询给定一个Polyline Id/name它不起作用

 //Given var linestringById = Linestrings.find({name : lineName}); var linestrings = Linestrings.find({}); //Works query = linestrings.where({ geo : { $geoIntersects : { $geometry : { type : 'LineString', coordinates : [ [27.528, 25.006], [14.063, 15.591] ] } } } }); //Does not work query = linestrings.where({ geo : { $geoIntersects : { $geometry : { type : 'LineString', coordinates : linestringById.geo.coordinates } } } }); //Also does not work: query = linestrings.where({ geo : { $geoIntersects : { $geometry : { type : 'LineString', coordinates : linestringById } } } }); 


 var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; // Creates a LineString Schema. var linestrings = new Schema({ name: {type: String, required : true}, geo : { type : {type: String, default: "LineString"}, coordinates : Array }, created_at: {type: Date, default: Date.now}, updated_at: {type: Date, default: Date.now} }); // Sets the created_at parameter equal to the current time linestrings.pre('save', function(next){ now = new Date(); this.updated_at = now; if(!this.created_at) { this.created_at = now } next(); }); linestrings.index({geo : '2dsphere'}); module.exports = mongoose.model('linestrings', linestrings); 


 /** Looks for LineStrings intersecting a given linestring **/ vm.polyIntersect = function () { //Taking name from a form vm.queryBody = { name : vm.formData.poly1 }; // Post the queryBody $http.post('/find-poly-intersection', vm.queryBody) .success(function(queryResults) { console.log(queryResults); }) .error(function(queryResults) { console.log('Error: no results found '+queryResults)); }); }; 


 /** Requiring Factories **/ var LinestringFactory = require('./factories/linestring.factory.js'); module.exports = function(app) { // Retrieves JSON records for all linestrings intersecting a given one app.post('/find-poly-intersection', function(req, res) { LinestringFactory.findIntersections(req).then( function (linestrings) { return res.json(linestrings); }, function (error) { return res.json(error); }) }); } 


 var Linestrings = require('../models/linestring-model.js'); exports.findIntersections = findIntersections; /** Finds Linestrings Intersections **/ function findIntersections(req) { return new Promise( function (resolve, reject) { var lineName = req.body.name; var linestringById = Linestrings.find({name : lineName}); var linestrings = Linestrings.find({}); //Check if that certain linestring exists with Lodash if (_.isEmpty(linestringById) || _.isUndefined(linestringById) || _.isNull(linestringById)){ return reject('No Linestrings found for that Name'); } else { query = linestrings.where({ geo : { $geoIntersects : { $geometry : { type : 'LineString', coordinates : linestringById.geo.coordinates} } } }); query.exec(function (err, intersections) { if (err){ return reject(err); } return resolve(intersections); }); }, function (error) { return reject(error); }) } 

QueryController console.log总是给我任何线串名称的Object {}

这是查询的Mongoose日志 。

我正在确保插入[lng, lat]坐标



您正在将linestring.geo.coordinates以奇数格式传递给最终查询。 Mongodb接受x,y格式的坐标,因此它必须是longitude,latitude


您将需要直接传递$ lines作为$几何。

 query = linestrings.where({ geo : { $geoIntersects : { $geometry : lineStringbyId. } } }); 


 /** Finds Linestrings Intersections **/ function findIntersections(req) { return new Promise( function (resolve, reject) { var lineName = req.body.name; Linestrings.findOne({name : lineName}).then( function (linestringById, error) { if(error){ return reject({error : 'LineString not Found'}); } queryIntersections(linestringById).then( function (response) { return resolve(response); }); }); }, function (error) { return reject({error : 'Error while executing promise'}); }); } function queryIntersections(linestringById) { return new Promise( function (resolve, reject) { if (_.isEmpty(linestringById) || _.isUndefined(linestringById) || _.isNull(linestringById)){ return reject({ error : 'No Linestrings found for that Name'}); } else { query = Linestrings.where( { geo : { $geoIntersects : { $geometry : { type: 'LineString', coordinates: linestringById.geo.coordinates } } } } ); queryExec(query).then( function (intersections) { return resolve(intersections); }); } }, function (error){ return reject({error : 'Error while executing promise'}); }); } 

