
我在for循环中进行asynchronous调用,我知道响应是asynchronous的,但是我怎样才能以相同的顺序得到我的响应。 这是我的代码:

setInterval(function () { callback = function (response) { var temp2 = ''; var str = ""; test = []; console.log('STATUS: ' + response.statusCode); response.setEncoding('utf8'); response.on('data', function (chunk) { str += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { console.log("end found"); temp2 = JSON.parse(str); for (var i in temp2['build']) { test.push(temp2['build'][i]['id']); var req3 = http.request({ host: host, // here only the domain name auth: auth, port: 8111, path: '/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:' + test[i] + '/statistics/', // the rest of the url with parameters if needed method: 'GET', // do GET headers: { "Accept": "application/json" } }, callback2); req3.end(); } }); } var req4 = http.request(options4, callback); req4.end(); callback2 = function (response) { //console.log('STATUS: ' + response.statusCode); //console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(response.headers)); response.setEncoding('utf8'); var str2 = ""; response.on('data', function (chunk) { str2 += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { points.push(parseInt(JSON.parse(str2)["property"][2]["value"])); }); j++; if (j == test.length) { var sumTotal = 0; var sumThree = 0; var status = ''; for (var i in points) { sumTotal += points[i]; } var averageTotal = parseInt(Math.round(sumTotal / points.length)); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sumThree += points[i]; } var averageThree = parseInt(Math.round(sumThree / 3)); /*if(averageThree>averageTotal) { status='warning'; } else { status='ok'; }*/ console.log('average: ' + averageThree + ' average 100 ' + averageTotal + ' status ' + status); //send_event('speed', {current: averageThree/*, status: status*/, last: averageTotal}); j = 0; points = []; } } }, 15 * 1000); 

所以我的问题是我怎么能确定我的答复“点”总是相同的顺序。 我已经尝试发送到我的callback函数,但不能得到它的工作

编辑:改变格式。 第一个callback的输出:

 { "count":100, "nextHref":"/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/?locator=buildType:bt2,count:100,status:SUCCESS,start:100", "build":[ { "id":17469, "number":"5075", "status":"SUCCESS", "buildTypeId":"bt2", "startDate":"20140224T183152+0100", "href":"/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:17469", "webUrl":"http://xxxx:8111/viewLog.html?buildId=17469&buildTypeId=bt2" }, { "id":17464, "number":"5074", "status":"SUCCESS", "buildTypeId":"bt2", "startDate":"20140224T165758+0100", "href":"/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:17464", "webUrl":"http://xxxx:8111/viewLog.html?buildId=17464&buildTypeId=bt2" }, { "id":17461, "number":"5073", "status":"SUCCESS", "buildTypeId":"bt2", "startDate":"20140224T161852+0100", "href":"/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:17461", "webUrl":"http://xxxx:8111/viewLog.html?buildId=17461&buildTypeId=bt2" }, 

该输出包含100个项目。 从这个输出我采取id号码,并用这个id的数组发出一个新的请求。 这个新的callback给了我build设持续时间,但问题是因为这是asynchronous发生的,我得到的响应不是从最新的构build,而是从第一个响应。 所以我的问题是我怎样才能以正确的顺序得到这些生成速度数组




 var objectList = [ {"name":"Doe", "firstname":"John", "position":1}, {"name":"Foo", "firstname":"Bar", "position":2}, {"name":"Gates", "firstname":"Bill", "position":3}, {"name":"Jobs", "firstname":"Steve", "position":4}, ]; var arr = []; async.each(objectList, function(person, callback) { arr.push(person); // async.each is asynchronous, so at the end, the order will be bad }, function(err) { async.sortBy(arr, function(p, callback) { // Reorder callback(err, p.position); }, function(err, results) { callback(null, results); // Send the result }); }); 
