
在这个例子代码中debugging,每次按下f10(step over),debugging器会input一个文件名next_tick.js,它是一个与Node.js相关的文件。 为什么? 我不想进入与Node.js相关的内部代码。


function abc() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(function () { resolve(10) }, 1000) }); } async function b(){ const a=10+ await abc() console.log(a) } b() 


 // Run callbacks that have no domain. // Using domains will cause this to be overridden. function _tickCallback() { do { while (tickInfo[kIndex] < tickInfo[kLength]) { const tock = nextTickQueue[tickInfo[kIndex]++]; const callback = tock.callback; const args = tock.args; // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(tock[async_id_symbol])) // CHECK(tock[async_id_symbol] > 0) // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(tock[trigger_id_symbol])) // CHECK(tock[trigger_id_symbol] > 0) nextTickEmitBefore(tock[async_id_symbol], tock[trigger_id_symbol]); // emitDestroy() places the async_id_symbol into an asynchronous queue // that calls the destroy callback in the future. It's called before // calling tock.callback so destroy will be called even if the callback // throws an exception that is handles by 'uncaughtException' or a // domain. // TODO(trevnorris): This is a bit of a hack. It relies on the fact // that nextTick() doesn't allow the event loop to proceed, but if // any async hooks are enabled during the callback's execution then // this tock's after hook will be called, but not its destroy hook. if (async_hook_fields[kDestroy] > 0) emitDestroy(tock[async_id_symbol]); // Using separate callback execution functions allows direct // callback invocation with small numbers of arguments to avoid the // performance hit associated with using `fn.apply()` _combinedTickCallback(args, callback); nextTickEmitAfter(tock[async_id_symbol]); if (kMaxCallbacksPerLoop < tickInfo[kIndex]) tickDone(); } tickDone(); _runMicrotasks(); emitPendingUnhandledRejections(); } while (tickInfo[kLength] !== 0); }