TypeError:不是缓冲区node.js crypto,aws-sdk

我试图创build一个S3上传到亚马逊S3的策略…但是当编码策略,我得到一个types错误:不是一个缓冲区。 我正在使用encryption版本:0.0.3和aws-sdk版本:2.0.0-rc.19

这是工作之前,所以我认为它可能与更新aws-sdk有关… …

这是代码。 该注释将显示错误发生的位置:

createS3Policy = function(contentType, callback) { var date = new Date(); var s3Policy = { 'expiration': getExpiryTime(), 'conditions': [ ['starts-with', '$key', 'shimmy-assets/'], {'bucket': S3_BUCKET}, {'acl': 'public-read'}, ['starts-with', '$Content-Type', contentType], {'success_action_status' : '201'} ] }; // stringify and encode the policy var stringPolicy = JSON.stringify(s3Policy); console.log('string policy: ' + stringPolicy); var base64Policy = new Buffer(stringPolicy, 'utf-8').toString('base64'); // sign the base64 encoded policy // NOT A BUFFER ERROR HERE var signature = crypto.createHmac('sha1', AWS_SECRET_KEY).update(new Buffer(base64Policy, 'utf-8')).digest('base64'); // build the results object var s3Credentials = { s3Policy: base64Policy, s3Signature: signature, AWSAccessKeyId: AWS_ACCESS_KEY }; // send it back callback(s3Credentials); }; 



 function hmac(algorithm, key, text, encoding) { var hmac = crypto.createHmac(algorithm, key); hmac.setEncoding(encoding); hmac.write(text); hmac.end(); return hmac.read(); }; 


 var signature = hmac( 'sha1', secretAccessKey, //Line A new Buffer(JSON.stringify(policy)).toString('base64')), //Line B 'base64'); 

确保A线和B线不是未定义的。 即使secretAccessKey是一个string,它会抛出NOT A BUFFER错误,以防未定义!