Twilio sendMessage不发送到数组中的所有值


var index; var a = req.body.numbers; console.log(a); if (req.body.numbers.indexOf("undefined") > -1) { console.log("No numbers stored"); } else { for (index = 0; index < a.length; ++index) { console.log(a[index]); client.sendMessage({ to: a[index], // Any number Twilio can deliver to from: '+19179246693 ', // A number you bought from Twilio and can use for outbound communication body: req.body.title + ": " + req.body.message // body of the SMS message }, function(err, responseData) { //this function is executed when a response is received from Twilio if (!err) { // "err" is an error received during the request, if any // "responseData" is a JavaScript object containing data received from Twilio. // A sample response from sending an SMS message is here (click "JSON" to see how the data appears in JavaScript): // console.log(; console.log(responseData.from); // outputs "+14506667788" console.log(responseData.body); // outputs "word to your mother." } }); } } 

当我控制台login一个[索引]它logging存储的所有号码,但是当使用client.send消息时,只有一个号码被发送,而不是全部。 有什么理由呢?

由于您使用免费版本,问题发生。 如果你想发送一个短信到所有的号码,你必须validation它们才能继续。

为了validation一个号码去你的Twilio控制台,数字,validation来电显示和加号。 您可以select接听电话或短信。
