
我正在使用AngularJS,NodeJS,mongoose,mongoDB等技术写这个网页。在这个网页上我有一个tinyMCE文本编辑器。 现在,我发现这个编辑器能够拥有图像,这对它来说太过分了。 我已经阅读了IMCE和iBrowser,前者似乎只能在Drupal中工作,而后者我至今无法安装,因为当他们说“tinyMCE init code”时,我不知道他们指的是什么。

我的问题是:是否有更好的方式上传图片到tinyMCE? 或者,本指南中提到的“tincMCE init代码”是什么: http ://netwizards.co.uk/installing-ibrowser-in-tinymce/?




How can I upload image files from my local computer? Short answer: You can't! Long answer: TinyMCE is just an editor to output (X)HTML code. It is by no means comparable to web editing desktop software such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Go Live! or Microsoft Web Expressions and the like. It runs on a user's browser (client-side) and not on a server. If you want to upload pictures to a server then you need a server-side component to process your image files. TinyMCE can't do that on its own since it doesn't run on the server but on the user's browser. 

你可以试试Froala所见即所得: http ://editor.froala.com/

另外,这里是从stackoverflow另一个问题: https : //stackoverflow.com/questions/4438043/need-a-simple-wysiwyg-editor-with-image-upload
