

我的问题是我做对了。 我在testing正确的东西,我应该做更多的testing,涵盖空值等。你认为我可以改进的东西是什么? 随意批评尽可能多的,如你所愿。


var assert = require("assert"), mongoose = require("mongoose"), sugar = require("sugar"), Factory = require("factory-lady"), Timekeeper = require("timekeeper"), Link = require("./../app/models/link"); mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/link_test"); Factory.define("link", Link, { createdAt: new Date("2012-04-04"), title: "Example", updatedAt: new Date("2012-04-05"), url: "http://www.example.com" }); describe("Link", function() { describe("validation for", function() { ["url", "title"].forEach(function(property) { it("must have a " + property, function(done) { Factory.build("link", function(link) { link[property] = null; link.validate(function(err) { assert.notEqual(err, null); assert.notEqual(err.errors[property], null); done(); }); }); }); }); it("should default the title to url if missing", function(done) { Factory.build("link", function(link) { link.title = undefined; link.validate(function(err) { assert.equal(link.title, link.url); done(); }); }); }); describe("url", function() { ["http://example.com", "http://www.example.com", "http://nodejs.org/api/assert.html#assert_assert_deepequal_actual_expected_message"].forEach(function(url) { it(url + " should be valid url", function(done) { Factory.build("link", { url: url }, function(link) { link.validate(function(err) { assert.equal(err, null); done(); }); }); }); }); ["Invalid url", "example.com"].forEach(function(url) { it(url + " should be invalid url", function(done) { Factory.build("link", { url: url }, function(link) { link.validate(function(err) { assert.notEqual(err, null); assert.notEqual(err.errors.url, null); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe("missing createdAt or updatedAt", function() { beforeEach(function() { Timekeeper.freeze(new Date()); }); afterEach(function() { Timekeeper.reset(); }); ["createdAt", "updatedAt"].forEach(function(property) { it("should default the " + property + " to now if missing", function(done) { Factory.build("link", function(link) { link[property] = undefined; link.validate(function(err) { assert.deepEqual(link[property], new Date()); done(); }); }); }); }); ["createdAt", "updatedAt"].forEach(function(property) { it("should leave the " + property + " unchanged if it's given", function(done) { Factory.build("link", function(link) { var date = new Date("2012-01-01"); link[property] = date; link.validate(function(err) { assert.deepEqual(link[property], date); done(); }); }); }); }); it("should default the updatedAt to now if missing when performing an update", function(done) { Factory("link", function(link) { link.validate(function(err) { assert.equal(link.updatedAt, new Date()); done(); }); }); }); it("should leave the updatedAt unchanged if it's given when performing an update", function(done) { Factory("link", function(link) { var date = new Date("2012-01-01"); link.updatedAt = date; link.validate(function(err) { assert.deepEqual(link.updatedAt, date); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); 


 var mongoose = require("mongoose"), Schema = mongoose.Schema; var linkSchema = new Schema({ createdAt: { type: Date, required: true }, title: { type: String, required: true }, updatedAt: { type: Date, required: true }, url: { type: String, required: true, validate: [validUrl, "invalid url"] } }); function validUrl(url) { if ((url instanceof String || typeof url == 'string') && url.length) { return url.match(/^\b((?:https?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][az]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”'']))$/i); } } linkSchema.pre("validate", function (next) { if (typeof this.title === "undefined" && typeof this.url !== "undefined") { this.title = this.url; } if (typeof this.createdAt === "undefined") { this.createdAt = new Date(); } if (typeof this.updatedAt === "undefined" || !this.isModified("updatedAt")) { this.updatedAt = new Date(); } next(); }); module.exports = mongoose.model("Link", linkSchema); 

总而言之,你的testing似乎覆盖了代码。 也许你可以添加更多的URL来更好地testingvalidUrl函数。

一般来说,testing的数量取决于你的需求。 不pipe你是否需要更多的testing,都取决于很多事情,例如:你对代码的信心,可能触及你的代码并“打破”它的人数,整个系统的规模和复杂性,你的代码的用户(他们是你的团队还是外部人员?),数据的来源(在它到达你的代码之前被validation吗?)和你的偏执程度。 没有一个适合所有的答案。