
我写了一个socket.io服务器,我用mocha来testing它。 但是我无法第二次连接到服务器。



 server = require('http').Server() io = require('socket.io').listen(server) io.on 'connection', (socket) -> console.log socket.id server.listen(3000) 


 chai = require 'chai' io = require 'socket.io-client' should = chai.should() describe 'Socket', ()-> url = '' it 'should be connected', (done) -> client = io.connect(url) client.on 'connect', (data) -> console.log(data) client.socket.connected.should.equal(true) client.disconnect() done() describe 'User', ()-> url = '' it 'should be connected', (done) -> client = io.connect(url) client.on 'connect', (data) -> console.log(data) client.socket.connected.should.equal(true) client.disconnect() done() 


  info - socket.io started debug - client authorized info - handshake authorized b_2h4dCr-YfD-7-Iw9Hl debug - setting request GET /socket.io/1/websocket/b_2h4dCr-YfD-7-Iw9Hl debug - set heartbeat interval for client b_2h4dCr-YfD-7-Iw9Hl debug - client authorized for debug - websocket writing 1:: b_2h4dCr-YfD-7-Iw9Hl debug - got disconnection packet info - transport end by forced client disconnection debug - websocket writing 0:: info - transport end (booted) debug - set close timeout for client b_2h4dCr-YfD-7-Iw9Hl debug - cleared close timeout for client b_2h4dCr-YfD-7-Iw9Hl debug - cleared heartbeat interval for client b_2h4dCr-YfD-7-Iw9Hl debug - discarding transport 


  Socket ◦ should be connected: undefined ✓ should be connected (75ms) User 1) should be connected 1 passing (2 seconds) 1 failing 1) User should be connected: Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded at null.<anonymous> (/home/wangbin/webapp/chat_server/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:165:14) at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:110:15) 

当你想创build新的会话 – 为.connect方法设置“强制新连接”选项

 io.connect(socketAddress,{'force new connection': true});