
我是sails.js的新手,我只知道基础知识,能够构build简单的MVC应用程序。 我的样板应用程序: https : //



1. user types command in web browser 2. sails( to call a native console program on the server, using user typed command as STDIN 3. sails( to get native console program output from STDOUT then send it back to user. 



那么,非常简单的代码:最简单的AJAX,没有beaty。 只是例子。 代码已经过testing,完全可行。

API /控制器/ CliController.js

 module.exports = { /** * Command execution * @param {String} req.body.command [command ro execute] * @return {JSON} [result or error] */ run: function (req, res) { // Check for valid command string in request if (req.body === undefined || !req.body.command || req.body.command.trim().length === 0){ return res.redirect('/cli/enter'); } // Split string to array as `child_process` needs array var command = req.body.command.split(" "), err = [], result = ""; // Get needed module and execute command var spawn = require('child_process').spawn, run = spawn(command.splice(0, 1)[0], command); run.stdout.on('data', function (data) { result = result + data.toString(); }); run.stderr.on('data', function (data) { err.push(data.toString()); console.log(data); }); run.on('error', function (error) { err.push(error.toString()); console.log(error); run.stdin.end(); }); run.on('close', function (code) { if (code !== 0) { err.push('ps process exited with code ' + code); } run.stdin.end(); // Return error if (err.length > 0){ res.status(500); return res.json({errors: err}); } //Return data return res.ok(result); }); }, /** * Simple function to render view with command line */ enter: function(req, res){ return res.view(); } }; 

input命令视图 views / cli / enter.ejs

 <input type="text" name="command" id="command"/> <button id="sendCommand">Execute</button> <pre id="result"></pre> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#sendCommand').click(function(){ var command = $('#command').val().trim(); if (command.length > 0){'/cli/run', {command: command}, function(data, jwr){ if (jwr.statusCode == 200){ $('#result').text(data); } else { $('#result').text('ERROR: ' + jwr.statusCode + JSON.stringify(data.errors)); } }); } }); </script> 


我在示例中使用Node.jssubprocess 。
