将parameter passing给callback node.js



//test.js var https = require('https'); module.exports.httpResponse = function (callback) { var options = { host: 'api.github.com', path: '/users/Guilherme-Routar', method: 'GET', //headers: {'user-agent': userAgent} } var str = ''; var request = https.request(options, function (response) { response.on('data', function (body) { str += body; }); response.on('end', function () { return callback(str); }); }); request.on('error', (e) => { console.log(e); }); request.end(); } 

现在我想把http请求本身封装在一个单独的文件中(为了重构的目的),这样每个文件都会调用这个模板并把它自己的parameter passing给它。 但问题出在这里。 是否有可能传递参数到callback?

 //test.js var https = require('https'); //I tried adding 'options' next to the 'callback' parameter module.exports.httpResponse = function (callback, options) { var str = ''; var request = https.request(options, function (response) { response.on('data', function (body) { str += body; }); response.on('end', function () { return callback(str); }); }); request.on('error', (e) => { console.log(e); }); request.end(); } 


 //user.js var test = require('../test.js'); var options = { host: 'api.github.com', path: '/users/Guilherme-Routar', method: 'GET', //headers: {'user-agent': userAgent} } // Passing 'options' as a parameter test.httpResponse(function(response, options) { console.log('response = ' + response); }) 

但是这显然不起作用。 任何build议,你可以给我? 提前致谢。

看来你想在callback之后作为附加parameter passing选项,而不是期望它在callback中传递。


 test.httpResponse(function(response, options) { // ^ you don't want option to be part of the callback console.log('response = ' + response); }) 


 test.httpResponse(function(response) { console.log('response = ' + response); }, options) // ^ pass options as second parameter 

正如Bergi在下面提到的,Node中惯常的约定是将callback作为最后一个parameter passing(正如你可以在你使用的https.request方法中看到的https.request ),这将要求你翻转你的httpResponse方法的参数:

 module.exports.httpResponse = function (options, callback) { // ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ flip these two so that callback is at the end } 


 test.httpResponse(options, function(response) { // ^ pass options as first parameter console.log('response = ' + response); })