


#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import MFRC522 import signal continue_reading = True # Capture SIGINT for cleanup when the script is aborted def end_read(signal,frame): global continue_reading print "Ctrl+C captured, ending read." continue_reading = False GPIO.cleanup() # Hook the SIGINT signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, end_read) # Create an object of the class MFRC522 MIFAREReader = MFRC522.MFRC522() # Welcome message print "Welcome to the MFRC522 data read example" print "Press Ctrl-C to stop." # This loop keeps checking for chips. If one is near it will get the UID and authenticate while continue_reading: # Scan for cards (status,TagType) = MIFAREReader.MFRC522_Request(MIFAREReader.PICC_REQIDL) # If a card is found if status == MIFAREReader.MI_OK: # Get the UID of the card (status,uid) = MIFAREReader.MFRC522_Anticoll() # If we have the UID, continue if status == MIFAREReader.MI_OK: # Print UID print "Card read UID: "+str(uid[0])+","+str(uid[1])+","+str(uid[2])+","+str(uid[3]) # This is the default key for authentication key = [0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF] # Select the scanned tag MIFAREReader.MFRC522_SelectTag(uid) # Authenticate status = MIFAREReader.MFRC522_Auth(MIFAREReader.PICC_AUTHENT1A, 8, key, uid) # Check if authenticated if status == MIFAREReader.MI_OK: MIFAREReader.MFRC522_Read(8) MIFAREReader.MFRC522_StopCrypto1() else: print "Authentication error" 



 var PythonShell = require('python-shell'); var options = { scriptPath: '/home/pi/gpio-admin/MFRC522-python/' }; var pyshell = new PythonShell('Read.py',options); pyshell.on('message', function (message) { console.log(message); }); 

但是当我运行这个代码时,我没有看到任何在Node端。 我认为当python脚本到这个级别时会发生问题。

  (status,TagType) = MIFAREReader.MFRC522_Request(MIFAREReader.PICC_REQIDL) 

因为我只是运行while循环,只有打印语句,然后它的作品。 之后,我尝试了另一种方式来实现这一点。 但是我也遇到了同样的问题,这是另一种方法


 var python = require('child_process').spawn( 'python', // second argument is array of parameters, eg: ["/home/pi/gpio-admin/MFRC522-python/Read.py"] ); var output = ""; python.stdout.on('data', function(){ output += data ; console.log(data); }); python.on('close', function(code){ console.log("Here you are there..."); }); 



  • 第一种方法是通过做npm install python-shell


 var PythonShell = require('python-shell'); //you can use error handling to see if there are any errors PythonShell.run('my_script.py', options, function (err, results) { //your code 

你可以使用pyshell.send('hello');发送消息给python shell pyshell.send('hello');

你可以在这里findAPI参考 – https://github.com/extrabacon/python-shell

  • 第二种方法 – 你可以参考的另一个包是节点python,你必须做npm install node-python

  • 第三种方式 – 你可以参考这个问题,你可以find一个使用subprocess的例子 – 如何从node.js调用外部脚本/程序

更多的参考资料 – https://www.npmjs.com/package/python

如果你想使用面向服务的架构 – http://ianhinsdale.com/code/2013/12/08/communicating-between-nodejs-and-python/