
我的头即将爆炸。 请知道,我等了大约一个星期才发布这个。 单凭耻辱,不能把这个混杂在浪费个人时间的巨大数量上,把我置于一个非常黑暗的地方。 我问你interwebs …请告诉我的方式。

我正在编写我的第一个NodeJS Express 4应用程序,它将pipe理我的家庭自动化系统(具有Rest API)。 杀死我的事情是我有99%的代码完成,我只是不能让它等待循环的http.request完成之前,调用我的callback函数出下面的函数。

我试过,DeAsync,Async,wait.for,…我似乎无法得到它主要是因为在一个for循环。 任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题。 我只是无法把我的脑袋绕过asynchronous或callback,以防止这个问题。



function runISYGet(runISYGetInput, resInput, runISYGetCallback) { //console.dir(runISYGetInput); //console.log('length:' + runISYGetInput.length); ISYGetData = []; for (var i = 0; i < runISYGetInput.length; i++) { // runISYGetInput Object Example: // runISYGetInput = [ // { id: "36981", operation: "on" } // , { id: "82563", operation: "on" } // , { id: "52839", operation: "on" } // , { id: "17383", operation: "on" } // , { id: "38863", operation: "on" } console.log('Starting Loop: ISYGet with %s,%s', runISYGetInput[i].id, runISYGetInput[i].operation); if (runISYGetInput[i].operation.toUpperCase() == "ON") { var operationTranslated = "DON" } else { var operationTranslated = "DOF" } if (typeof runISYGetInput[i].intensity === 'undefined') { console.log('Nothing in intensity'); }; var options = { hostname: hostname ,port: port ,path: "/rest/nodes/" + runISYGetInput[i].id + "/cmd/" + operationTranslated + "/" ,method: 'GET' ,auth: username + ':' + password } var req = https.request(options, function (res) { console.log("Inside httpGet | Calling ISY Now"); //console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode); //console.log("headers: ", res.headers); res.on('data', function (chunk) { console.log('BODY: ' + chunk); if (i == 0) { ISYGetData = [{ hostname: options.hostname ,port: options.port ,path: options.path ,statusCode: res.statusCode ,responseHeaders: JSON.stringify(res.headers) ,body: chunk.toString('utf8') }] } else { ISYGetData = ISYGetData.concat([{ hostname: options.hostname ,port: options.port ,path: options.path ,statusCode: res.statusCode ,responseHeaders: JSON.stringify(res.headers) ,body: chunk.toString('utf8') }]) }; }); req.on('error', function (e) { console.error(e); }); }); req.end(); } console.log('This should happen last but doesnt currently, want to run runISYGetCallback(ISYGetData, resInput) after http gets are done and ISYGetData is populated'); // This callback renders the page with all needed data from the ISYGetData object runISYGetCallback(ISYGetData, resInput); 



 function runISYGet(runISYGetInput, resInput, runISYGetCallback) { var operationTranslated, promises = [], options; for (var i = 0; i < runISYGetInput.length; i++) { if (runISYGetInput[i].operation.toUpperCase() == "ON") { operationTranslated = "DON"; } else { operationTranslated = "DOF"; } if (typeof runISYGetInput[i].intensity === 'undefined') { console.log('Nothing in intensity'); } // create new options object for each cycle through the loop options = { hostname: hostname, port: port, path: "/rest/nodes/" + runISYGetInput[i].id + "/cmd/" + operationTranslated + "/", method: 'GET', auth: username + ':' + password }; promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // save options locally because it will be reassigned to a different object // before it gets used in the callback below var localOptions = options; var req = https.request(localOptions, function (res) { var data = ""; res.on('data', function (chunk) { data += chunk; }); res.on('end', function() { // resolve with the accumulated data // do it this way so that the promise infrastructure will order it for us resolve({ hostname: localOptions.hostname, port: localOptions.port, path: localOptions.path, statusCode: res.statusCode, responseHeaders: JSON.stringify(res.headers), body: data.toString('utf8') }); }); }); req.on('error', function (e) { console.error(e); reject(e); }); req.end(); })); } // now wait for all promises to be done Promise.all(promises).then(function(allData) { // This callback renders the page with all needed data // when all the https.request() calls are done runISYGetCallback(allData, resInput); }, function(err) { // figure out what to do here when there was an error in one or more of the https.request() calls }); } 

注意:如果使用为请求模块提供请求的请求 – 承诺模块,那么您可以更加简化,但是我select了显示不依赖任何新模块的实现


  1. 为循环中的每个请求创build一个新的承诺
  2. 等待所有的承诺,使用Promise.all()
  3. 捕捉选项对象,每次通过循环,所以我们使用的选项对象不会被asynchronous处理期间的下一个循环通过循环覆盖
  4. 让承诺捕获所有的结果,以便他们按照正确的顺序(而不是在他们到达时连接它们)
  5. 将所有到达每个请求的数据块集中到一块(因为数据可以以多个块的forms到达)
  6. 根据您未使用的res.on('end')触发完成承诺
  7. req.on('error')移到它所属的更高级别
  8. 根据请求错误使用承诺拒绝将错误传播回最高级别
  9. for循环之外移动局部variables的声明。


 function runISYGet(runISYGetInput, runISYGetCallback) { var operationTranslated, promises = [], options; for (var i = 0; i < runISYGetInput.length; i++) { if (runISYGetInput[i].operation.toUpperCase() == "ON") { operationTranslated = "DON"; } else { operationTranslated = "DOF"; } if (typeof runISYGetInput[i].intensity === 'undefined') { console.log('Nothing in intensity'); } // create new options object for each cycle through the loop options = { hostname: hostname, port: port, path: "/rest/nodes/" + runISYGetInput[i].id + "/cmd/" + operationTranslated + "/", method: 'GET', auth: username + ':' + password }; promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // save options locally because it will be reassigned to a different object // before it gets used in the callback below var localOptions = options; var req = https.request(localOptions, function (res) { var data = ""; res.on('data', function (chunk) { data += chunk; }); res.on('end', function() { // resolve with the accumulated data // do it this way so that the promise infrastructure will order it for us resolve({ hostname: localOptions.hostname, port: localOptions.port, path: localOptions.path, statusCode: res.statusCode, responseHeaders: JSON.stringify(res.headers), body: data.toString('utf8') }); }); }); req.on('error', function (e) { console.error(e); reject(e); }); req.end(); })); } // return master promise that is resolved when all the other promises are done return Promise.all(promises); } // usage runISYGet(...).then(function(allData) { // process the data here }, function(err) { // handle error here });