node.js socket.write()不能在if条件下工作

我有一个问题,在“IF”条件的一部分,我需要发送消息“socket.write('11')”,但它不会发送消息,如果第二个“socket.write”不是代码。 在我的代码,我不需要第二次写。 为什么发生这种情况?



var net = require('net'); var HOST = ''; var PORT = 6060; var connections = 0; var clients = []; net.createServer(function (socket) { // Identify this client = socket.remoteAddress + ":" + socket.remotePort // Put this new client in the list clients.push(socket); // Send a nice welcome message and announce socket.write("Welcome Client: " + + "\n"); connections++; console.log('Active connections: ' + connections); console.log( + " joined the chat."); // Handle incoming messages from clients. socket.on('data', function (data) { var response = data.toString(); var recv = response.length; if (recv == 16){ socket.write('11'); //****** First write console.log("11"); } console.log( + "length: " + recv); socket.write('You said: "' + data); //***** Second write }); // Remove the client from the list when it leaves socket.on('end', function () { clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); console.log( + " left the chat."); connections--; console.log('Active connections: ' + connections); }); }).listen(PORT, HOST); // Put a friendly message on the terminal of the server. console.log('Server listening on ' + HOST +':'+ PORT); 

