
我很好奇在node.js横向scalling可能负载平衡跨多个虚拟服务器,如rackspace云服务器? 我读了关于集群插件,但我认为这只是一个多核CPU的单个服务器。

尝试node-http-proxy的 roundrobin.js

 var httpProxy = require('http-proxy'); // // A simple round-robin load balancing strategy. // // First, list the servers you want to use in your rotation. // var addresses = [ { host: 'ws1.0.0.0', port: 80 }, { host: 'ws2.0.0.0', port: 80 } ]; httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxy) { // // On each request, get the first location from the list... // var target = addresses.shift(); // // ...then proxy to the server whose 'turn' it is... // proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, target); // // ...and then the server you just used becomes the last item in the list. // addresses.push(target); }); // Rinse; repeat; enjoy.