
在连接到Debian上的服务器时,我无法想象发送字节数组。 有没有其他的发送string通过client.write() ? 我尝试client.write(new Buffer("something"))但这给Invalid data错误。 这是我的代码:

 var net = require('net'); function ModernBuffer(buffer) { // custom buffer class this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(buffer.length); this.byteLength = this.buffer.byteLength; console.log('ModernBuffer.ByteLength: ' + this.byteLength); var Uint16View = new Uint16Array(this.buffer, 0, 1); for (var i=0; i<Uint16View.length; i++) { Uint16View[i] = buffer[i]; console.log("Entry " + i + ": " + Uint16View[i]); } } var client = net.connect({ host: 'someIp.pl', port: 7171 }, function () { // this IP is not important until I figure out how to send correct bytes console.log('Server: connected'); var bytes = Array(6); // array of bytes to be send bytes[0] = 0x4; bytes[1] = 0x0; bytes[2] = 0xFF; bytes[3] = 0x01; bytes[4] = 0x20; bytes[5] = 0x0; function ab2str(buf) { // First ArrayBuffer to string function...(gives me 4 bytes instead of 6 at the end return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Int8Array(buf)); } function strFromUtf8Ab(ab) { // that gives me 0 bytes! return decodeURIComponent(escape(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, ab))); } sendBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(6); intView8 = new Int8Array(sendBuffer); var str = ""; for(var i = 0; i < intView8.length; i++) { intView8[i] = bytes[i]; console.log("Intview length: " + intView8.length + " | Entry [" + i + "]: " + intView8[i]); } //var sendMsg = ab2str(sendBuffer); 4 bytes instead of 6... //var sendMsg = strFromUtf8Ab(sendBuffer); 0 bytes instead of 6... var binaryString = ''; var bytes = Array(6); bytes[0] = 0x4; bytes[1] = 0x0; bytes[2] = 0xFF; bytes[3] = 0x01; bytes[4] = 0x20; bytes[5] = 0x0; var length = bytes.length; // another try to convert bytes to string - gives me 7 instead of 6 and they are bad for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { binaryString += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } sendMsg = binaryString; // test final string which is sent t=[]; for(s=unescape(encodeURI(sendMsg)),i=0;i<s.length;++i) t.push(s.charCodeAt(i)); console.log(t); // end client.write(sendMsg); // not important until I figure out how to send correct bytes var server = net.createServer(function(c) { // test server to send bytes to test-client console.log('server connected'); c.on('end', function() { console.log('server disconnected'); }); c.write(sendMsg); // send bytes converted to string }); server.listen(7654, function() { console.log('server bound'); }); }); client.on('data', function(data) { console.log('----- NEW -----'); modernBuffer = new ModernBuffer(data); }); client.on('timeout', function () { console.log('Server: timeout'); }); client.on('error', function(error) { console.log('Server: error: ' + error); }); client.on('end', function() { console.log('Server: client disconnected'); }); 




 root@ks203255:/home/kuzi/node# node app.js Server słucha. Server: connected Intview length: 6 | Entry [0]: 4 Intview length: 6 | Entry [1]: 0 Intview length: 6 | Entry [2]: -1 Intview length: 6 | Entry [3]: 1 Intview length: 6 | Entry [4]: 32 Intview length: 6 | Entry [5]: 0 [ 4, 0, 195, 191, 1, 32, 0 ] <= final bytes instead of those /\ UP server bound Server: client disconnected server connected 


 C:\Users\Daniel>node app.js Server słucha. Server: connected Intview length: 6 | Entry [0]: 4 Intview length: 6 | Entry [1]: 0 Intview length: 6 | Entry [2]: -1 Intview length: 6 | Entry [3]: 1 Intview length: 6 | Entry [4]: 32 Intview length: 6 | Entry [5]: 0 [ 4, 199, 191, 32 ] <= I'm showing only first 4 bytes but... ----- NEW ----- ModernBuffer.ByteLength: 7 <= you can see it's 7 instead of 6 and they are bad so I'm sure it's wrong 4, 0, 195, 191 Entry 0: 4 





 var buffer = new Buffer([0x4, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x20, 0x0]), stream = new BufferStream(buffer), client = net.connect({ host: 'someIp.pl', port: 7171 }, connected); function connected() { stream.pipe(client); // do other things } 

一般来说,如果您可以在Node中stream式传输,您可能应该这样做。 这是一个更优雅的模型,并允许你做一些很酷的事情。

在实践中有一些有趣的stream的例子,在这里: http : //nodestreams.com/

缓冲区没有为我工作,因为我有一个自定义的类完全按照node.js的名字命名。 这工作:

 testBuff = new Buffer([4, 0, -1, 1, 32, 0]); client.write(testBuff);