如何计算multidimensional array中的项目总数?

下面是我用来从我的转发表中检索数据的代码。 这给出了multidimensional array的输出。 请检查输出。

我想获得整个multidimensional array中的项目总数和每个数组中的项目总数。

更详细地说,整个multidimensional array有30个项目,每个数组中有6个项目我想要得到这两个值。 如何计算这两个值?

var RepeaterTable = element.all(by.repeater("view in ctrl.view track by $index")).each(function(rowelem,index){ rowelem.getText().then(function(BlockTrans){ console.log("****index and RowElem\n"+index+"\n",BlockTrans); var item = BlockTrans; }); }); 


 0 Morrison Male Jun 22, 2017 26 Yes Edit ****index and RowElem 1 Steven Male Jun 22, 2017 39 Yes Edit ****index and RowElem 2 Emy Female Jun 22, 2017 27 Yes Edit ****index and RowElem 3 Emily Female Jun 22, 2017 18 Yes Edit ****index and RowElem 4 Michael Male Jun 22, 2017 46 Yes Edit 


 function getTotalElementCount (obj) { /* This number will contain the total amount of elements in the given variable obj. * This means all subelements will also be counted there. */ let count = 0; // If obj is an array, we want to find out how many elements and subelements it contains if (obj instanceof Array) { // We call this function for every element (elem) in obj to get the total amount of elements in elem obj.foreach ((elem) => { // We increment the count by all elements in elem count += getTotalElementCount(elem); } } else { /* Element is not an array, so we can't go deeper. * This means this obj is only a single element */ return 1; /* you can also do this. * count = 1; */ } return count; } 




 countElement(locator: string) { return element.all(by.css(locator)).count(); }