meteor0.9.1.1 – 从json端点填充到服务器端集合





api.addFiles([ '_src/collections.js' ], 'server'); 





Collections.js看起来像下面的内容。 在光纤中包装插入function似乎压制错误消息,但是没有数据被插入到数据库中。


*服务器端组件向远程*端点发出请求以填充服务器端的Mongo集合。 * * @class Server * @static * / Server = {

 Fiber: Npm.require('fibers'), /** * Collections to be populated with content * * @property Collections * @type {Object} */ Collections: { staticContent: new Mongo.Collection('staticContent'), pages: new Mongo.Collection('pages'), projects: new Mongo.Collection('projects'), categories: new Mongo.Collection('categories'), formations: new Mongo.Collection('formations') }, /** * Server side base url for making HTTP calls * * @property baseURL * @type {String} */ baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000', /** * Function to update all server side collections * * @method updateCollections() * @return {Object} - a resolved or rejected promise */ updateCollections: function() { var deferred = Q.defer(), self = this, url = '', collectionsUpdated = 0; _.each(self.Collections, function(collection) { // collection.remove(); url = self.baseURL + '/content/' + collection._name + '.json'; self.httpFetch(url).then(function(result) { jsonData = EJSON.parse(; _.each(jsonData.items, function(item) { console.log('inserting item with id ',; self.Fiber(function() { collection.update({testID: "Some random data"} }); }); deferred.resolve({ status: 'ok', message: 'Collection updated from url: ' + url }); }).fail(function(error) { return deferred.reject({ status: 'error', message: 'Could not update collection: ' + collection._name, data: error }); }); }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Function to load an endpoint from a given url * * @method httpFetch() * @param {String} url * @return {Object} - A resolved promise if the data was * received or a rejected promise. */ httpFetch: function(url) { var deferred = Q.defer(); 'GET', url, function(error, result) { if(error) { deferred.reject({ status: 'error', data: error }); } else { deferred.resolve({ status: 'ok', data: result.content }); } } ); return deferred.promise; } 






根据我掌握的知识,你写了一个httpFetch函数,它使用用HTTP.get装饰的HTTP.get的asynchronous版本。 然后你试图在一个新的Fiber运行你的集合更新,因为asynchronousHTTP.get调用引入了一个callback,继续使用promise。


 updateCollections:function(){ // we are inside a Meteor.method so this code is running inside its own Fiber _.each(self.Collections, function(collection) { var url=// whatever // sync HTTP.get : we get the result right away (from a // code writing perspective) var result=HTTP.get(url); // we got our result and we are still in the method Fiber : we can now // safely call collection.update without the need to worry about Fiber stuff }); 

您应该仔细阅读有关HTTP模块的文档: http : //

我现在有这个工作。 看来问题是我的httpFetch函数返回一个承诺,这是导致错误:

"Error: Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment."




 Server = { /** * Collections to be populated with content * * @property Collections * @type {Object} */ Collections: { staticContent: new Mongo.Collection('staticContent'), pages: new Mongo.Collection('pages'), projects: new Mongo.Collection('projects'), categories: new Mongo.Collection('categories'), formations: new Mongo.Collection('formations') }, /** * Server side base url for making HTTP calls * * @property baseURL * @type {String} */ baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000', /** * Function to update all server side collections * * @method updateCollections() * @return {Object} - a resolved or rejected promise */ updateCollections: function() { var deferred = Q.defer(), self = this, collectionsUpdated = 0; /** * Loop through each collection, fetching its data from the json * endpoint. */ _.each(self.Collections, function(collection) { /** * Clear out old collection data */ collection.remove({}); /** * URL endpoint containing json data. Note the name of the collection * is also the name of the json file. They need to match. */ var url = self.baseURL + '/content/' + collection._name + '.json'; /** * Make Meteor HTTP Get using the function below. */ self.httpFetch(url, function(err, res) { if(err) { /** * Reject promise if there was an error */ deferred.reject({ status: 'error', message: 'Error fetching content for url ' + url, data: err }); } else { /** * Populate fetched data from json endpoint */ var jsonData = res.content; data = EJSON.parse(res.content); /** * Pick out and insert each item into its collection */ _.each(data.items, function(item) { collection.insert(item); }); collectionsUpdated++; } if(collectionsUpdated === _.size(self.Collections)) { /** * When we have updated all collections, resovle the promise */ deferred.resolve({ status: 'ok', message: 'All collections updated', data: { collections: self.Collections, count: collectionsUpdated } }); } }); }); /** * Return the promise */ return deferred.promise; }, /** * Function to load an endpoint from a given url * * @method httpFetch() * @param {String} url * @param {Function} cb - Callback in the event of an error * @return undefined */ httpFetch: function(url, cb) { var res = HTTP.get( url, function(error, result) { cb(error, result); } ); } 
