

我正在尝试调整一些代码: https : //github.com/SamVerschueren/aws-lambda-stop-server

到目前为止,我已经能够指定我想运行lambda函数的区域,但不能锻炼如何过滤实例。 即过滤标签为“schedule”的实例,然后对该值执行分割string,并检查其中一个分割值是否匹配“stop6pmdaily”。 例如:schedule = start8amdaily | stop6pmdaily

if (instance.State.Code === 16) { // 0: pending, 16: running, 32: shutting-down, 48: terminated, 64: stopping, 80: stopped values = instance.Tags["schedule"].Value.Split("|") for (v of values) { if (v == 'stop6pmdaily'){ stopParams.InstanceIds.push(instance.InstanceId); } } } 


 'use strict'; /** * AWS Lambda function that stops servers. * * @author Sam Verschueren <sam.verschueren@gmail.com> * @since 09 Oct. 2015 */ // module dependencies var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); AWS.config.update({region: 'ap-southeast-2'}); var pify = require('pify'); var Promise = require('pinkie-promise'); var ec2 = new AWS.EC2(); /** * The handler function. * * @param {object} event The data regarding the event. * @param {object} context The AWS Lambda execution context. */ exports.handler = function (event, context) { // Describe the instances pify(ec2.describeInstances.bind(ec2), Promise)() //(describeParams) .then(function (data) { var stopParams = { InstanceIds: [] }; data.Reservations.forEach(function (reservation) { reservation.Instances.forEach(function (instance) { if (instance.State.Code === 16) { // 0: pending, 16: running, 32: shutting-down, 48: terminated, 64: stopping, 80: stopped values = instance.Tags["schedule"].Value.Split("|") for (v of values) { if (v == 'stop6pmdaily'){ stopParams.InstanceIds.push(instance.InstanceId); } } } }); }); if (stopParams.InstanceIds.length > 0) { // Stop the instances return pify(ec2.stopInstances.bind(ec2), Promise)(stopParams); } }) .then(context.succeed) .catch(context.fail); }; 


 instance.Tags.forEach(function (Tag) { if (Tag.Key == 'schedule') { //do something } }