如何处理KeyTooLongError Node.js(AWS)?

我试图从我的S3服务器获取一些图像,但其中一些具有非常大的URL。 我怎么能下载这些图像,即使是大的url?


//download the object from the bucket sourceS3.getObject(getparamsOrig, function(gerr, s3obj) { if (gerr) { //if there is problem just print to console and move on. console.log('Download issue'); console.log(gerr); return; } }); 


 DEBUG [03314cb6] Download issue DEBUG [03314cb6] { [KeyTooLongError: Your key is too long] DEBUG [03314cb6] message: 'Your key is too long', DEBUG [03314cb6] code: 'KeyTooLongError', DEBUG [03314cb6] time: Tue Apr 21 2015 17:10:51 GMT-0400 (EDT), DEBUG [03314cb6] statusCode: 400, DEBUG [03314cb6] retryable: false }