
我通常知道发电机/承诺在单个发电机function时是如何工作的。 我有困难调用另一个发电机function内的发电机function。

实际上做这件事很less写。 该脚本似乎忽略等待用户从数据库返回并继续运行该脚本。 我该如何等待它完成?


"use strict"; var config = require('./config'); var co = require('co'); // needed for generators var monk = require('monk'); var wrap = require('co-monk'); var db = monk(config.mongodb.url, config.mongodb.monk); // exists in app.js also var users = wrap(db.get('users')); // export? there is another instance in app.js var user = null; this.postSignIn = co(function* (email, password) { // user sign in console.log('finding email ' + email); user = yield users.findOne({ 'local.email': email }); if (user === null) { // local profile with email does not exists console.log('email does not exist'); return false; // incorrect credentials redirect } else if (user.local.password !== password) { // local profile with email exists, incorrect password console.log('incorrect password'); return false; // incorrect credentials redirect } else { // local profile with email exists, correct password console.log('login successful'); return user; } }); 


 "use strict"; var auth = require('./auth.js'); // ... more code var authRouter = new router(); // for authentication requests (sign in) authRouter .post('/local', function* (next) { var user = yield auth.postSignIn(this.request.body.email, this.request.body.password); // returns user or false if (user !== false) { // correct credentials // <--- it hits here before the user is retrieved from the database // do something } else { // incorrect credentials // do something } }); 

DERP。 co(function* (){...})直接运行。 我需要使用文档中的wrap函数。

 this.postSignIn = co.wrap(function* (email, password) { // user sign in