
我使用JIMP将我的图像转换为灰度,并降低其质量。但是对于2%的情况下,它正在损坏我的形象,并在控制台中抛出一个错误 – “错误:无效的文件签名在Parser._parseSignature(C:\ Users \ Akshay \ Desktop \ darwin \ node_modules \ pngjs \ lib \ parser.js:50:18)“如果问题代码如下:

var ext=path.extname(dest); if(ext!='.jpg'){ dest=replaceExt(dest, '.jpg'); } console.log(path.extname(dest)); var file = fs.createWriteStream(dest); ////console.log(url) if(url.indexOf('https')!=-1){ //console.log("https") var request = https.get(url, function(response) { response.pipe(file); file.on('finish', function() { Jimp.read(dest).then(function (lennaa) { lennaa.resize(256, 256) // resize .quality(90) // set JPEG quality .greyscale() // set greyscale .write(dest); // save }).catch(function (err) { console.error(err); }); file.close(cb); // close() is async, call cb after close completes. }); }).on('error', function(err) { // Handle errors fs.unlink(dest); // Delete the file async. (But we don't check the result) if (cb) cb(err.message); }); } 



 let image; try { image = await Jimp.read(filepath); } catch (error) { debug(`Error reading ${filepath}. But we'll try again!`); // Wait half second, try again. What an ugly hack. It might as well work. let temp = await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 600)); try { image = await Jimp.read(filepath); debug('Success reading file on second attempt!'); } catch (error2) { // If totally failed, at least exit gracefully: this.session.send('The bot is a little busy now. Please try again.'); this.session.endDialog(); } }