循环中的JavaScript闭包 – 一个简单实用的例子

var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function() { // and store them in funcs console.log("My value: " + i); // each should log its value. }; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // and now let's run each one to see } 






 var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { // let's create 3 functions buttons[i].addEventListener("click", function() { // as event listeners console.log("My value: " + i); // each should log its value. }); } 
 <button>0</button><br> <button>1</button><br> <button>2</button> 




 var funcs = []; function createfunc(i) { return function() { console.log("My value: " + i); }; } for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = createfunc(i); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // and now let's run each one to see } 


 var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = (function(index) { return function() { console.log("My value: " + index); }; }(i)); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); } 

编辑 (2014):

我个人认为@澳大利亚最近对使用.bind回答是现在做这种事情的最好方法。 当你不需要或者不想混乱bind_.partial时,还有lo-dash /下划线的thisArg


 var funcs = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = function(x) { console.log('My value: ' + x); }.bind(this, i); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); } 




 function log(x) { console.log('My value: ' + x); } var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = log.bind(this, i); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); } 


使用立即调用的函数expression式 ,包含一个索引variables的最简单和最可读的方法:

 for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { (function(index) { console.log('iterator: ' + index); //now you can also loop an ajax call here //without losing track of the iterator value: $.ajax({}); })(i); } 

这将迭代器i发送到我们定义为index的匿名函数中。 这将创build一个闭包,其中variablesi被保存起来,以便以后在IIFE中的任何asynchronousfunction中使用。


所以像其他人提到的那样,问题在于内部函数引用相同的ivariables。 那么为什么我们不是每次迭代都创build一个新的局部variables,而是使用内部函数引用呢?

 //overwrite console.log() so you can see the console output console.log = function(msg) {document.body.innerHTML += '<p>' + msg + '</p>';}; var funcs = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var ilocal = i; //create a new local variable funcs[i] = function() { console.log("My value: " + ilocal); //each should reference its own local variable }; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); } 

现在ES6得到了广泛的支持,这个问题的最好答案已经改变了。 ES6为这个确切的情况提供了letconst关键字。 我们可以使用let来设置一个循环范围variables,像这样:

 var funcs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = function() { console.log("My value: " + i); }; } 

val将指向特定于该特定循环的对象,并且将返回正确的值而不用额外的闭合符号。 这显然极大地简化了这个问题。


浏览器支持现在是针对最新版浏览器的。 目前最新的Firefox,Safari,Edge和Chrome都支持const / let 。 它也在Node中受支持,您可以利用像Babel这样的构build工具在任何地方使用它。 你可以在这里看到一个工作的例子: http : //jsfiddle.net/ben336/rbU4t/2/


  • 常量

但是请注意,在Edge 14支持之前IE9-IE11和Edge let上面的错误(他们不会每次都创build一个新的i ,所以上面的所有函数都会像使用var一样logging3)。 边缘14终于得到它的权利。


在创build闭包时, 是对外部作用域中定义的variables的引用,而不是创build闭包时的副本。 它将在执行时评估。


只是想我会添加一个解释清晰。 对于一个解决scheme,我个人会select哈托,因为这是从这里的答案中最自我解释的方式。 任何代码都可以工作,但是我会select一个闭包工厂,而不必写一堆评论来解释为什么我要声明一个新variables(Freddy和1800's)或者有一个怪异的embedded闭包语法(apphacker)。

你需要了解的是javascript中的variables的范围是基于函数的。 这是一个重要的区别比说你有块范围的c#,只是复制variables为一个里面的工作。


还有一个let关键字而不是var,这将允许使用块作用域规则。 在这种情况下,在for内部定义一个variables就可以了。 这就是说,由于兼容性,let关键字不是一个实际的解决scheme。

 var funcs = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let index = i; //add this funcs[i] = function() { console.log("My value: " + index); //change to the copy }; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); } 

这里有另外一个技术变种,类似于Bjorn(apphacker),它可以让你在函数内部赋值variables值,而不是把它作为parameter passing,有时可能会更清楚:

 for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = (function() { var index = i; return function() { console.log("My value: " + index); } })(); } 

请注意,无论您使用哪种技术, indexvariables都会成为一种静态variables,绑定到内部函数的返回副本。 也就是说,在通话之间保留对其值的更改。 它可以非常方便。




 function makeCounter() { var obj = {counter: 0}; return { inc: function(){obj.counter ++;}, get: function(){return obj.counter;} }; } counter1 = makeCounter(); counter2 = makeCounter(); counter1.inc(); alert(counter1.get()); // returns 1 alert(counter2.get()); // returns 0 

每次调用makeCounter{counter: 0}生成一个新的对象。 另外,还创build了obj的新副本以引用新对象。 因此, counter1counter2是相互独立的。




 var counters = []; function makeCounters(num) { for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { var obj = {counter: 0}; counters[i] = { inc: function(){obj.counter++;}, get: function(){return obj.counter;} }; } } makeCounters(2); counters[0].inc(); alert(counters[0].get()); // returns 1 alert(counters[1].get()); // returns 1 

请注意, counters[0]counters[1] 不是独立的。 实际上,他们在同一个obj

这是因为在循环的所有迭代中只共享一个obj副本,这可能是出于性能原因。 尽pipe{counter: 0}在每次迭代中都创build一个新对象,但obj的同一副本只会通过对最新对象的引用进行更新。


 function makeHelper(obj) { return { inc: function(){obj.counter++;}, get: function(){return obj.counter;} }; } function makeCounters(num) { for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { var obj = {counter: 0}; counters[i] = makeHelper(obj); } } 





 var funcs = []; for(var i =0; i<3; i++){ funcs[i] = function(){ alert(i); } } for(var j =0; j<3; j++){ funcs[j](); } 

哪个改变“2”,三次。 这是因为for循环中创build的匿名函数共享相同的闭包,并且在闭包中,i的值是相同的。 使用这个来防止共享closures,

 var funcs = []; for(var new_i =0; new_i<3; new_i++){ (function(i){ funcs[i] = function(){ alert(i); } })(new_i); } for(var j =0; j<3; j++){ funcs[j](); } 

这个背后的想法是用一个IIFE (立即调用的函数expression式)封装整个for循环体,并将“new_i”作为参数并将其捕获为“i”。 由于匿名函数是立即执行的,因此匿名函数中定义的每个函数的“i”值是不同的。 这个解决scheme似乎适用于任何这样的问题,因为它将需要对原来的代码进行最小的修改。 事实上,这是devise,它不应该是一个问题!


  • 没有arrays

  • 没有额外的循环

 for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { createfunc(i)(); } function createfunc(i) { return function(){console.log("My value: " + i);}; } 


OP所显示的代码的主要问题是i直到第二个循环才会被读取。 为了演示,想象一下在代码中看到一个错误

 funcs[i] = function() { // and store them in funcs throw new Error("test"); console.log("My value: " + i); // each should log its value. }; 

直到funcs[someIndex]被执行() ,错误实际上不会发生。 使用这个相同的逻辑,应该很明显, i的价值也没有收集到这一点。 一旦原始循环完成, i++i赋值为3 ,导致条件i < 3失败,循环结束。 在这一点上, i3 ,所以当funcs[someIndex]()被使用,并且i被评估,每次都是3。

为了克服这个问题,你必须评估i遇到的情况。 请注意,这已经以funcs[i] (其中有三个唯一索引)的forms发生。 有几种方法来捕获这个值。 一个是把它作为一个parameter passing给一个已经在这里以几种方式显示的函数。

另一个select是构造一个可以closuresvariables的函数对象。 这可以做到这一点

jsFiddle Demo

 funcs[i] = new function() { var closedVariable = i; return function(){ console.log("My value: " + closedVariable); }; }; 

这是一个简单的解决scheme,使用forEach (回到IE9):

 var funcs = {}; [0,1,2].forEach(function(i) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function() { // and store them in funcs console.log("My value: " + i); // each should log its value. }; }) for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // and now let's run each one to see } 


 My value: 0 My value: 1 My value: 2 


 var funcs = [] for (var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { funcs[i] = function () { console.log(i) } } for (var k = 0; k < 3; k += 1) { funcs[k]() } 

在阅读了各种解决scheme后,我想补充一下,这些解决scheme工作的原因是依赖于范围链的概念。 这是JavaScript在执行过程中parsingvariables的方式。

  • 每个函数定义形成一个由var和其arguments声明的所有局部variables组成的范围。
  • 如果我们在另一个(外部)函数内部定义了内部函数,这将形成一个链,并在执行期间使用
  • 当函数被执行时,运行时通过search作用域链来评估variables。 如果一个variables可以在链的某一点find,它将停止search并使用它,否则一直持续到全局范围到达属于window


 funcs = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = function inner() { // function inner's scope contains nothing console.log("My value: " + i); }; } console.log(window.i) // test value 'i', print 3 

funcs被执行时,作用域链将是function inner -> global 。 由于variablesi不能在function innerfind(既没有声明,也没有作为parameter passing),它继续search,直到i的值最终在全局范围window.i


 funcs = {}; function outer(i) { // function outer's scope contains 'i' return function inner() { // function inner, closure created console.log("My value: " + i); }; } for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = outer(i); } console.log(window.i) // print 3 still 

funcs被执行的时候,范围链会被function inner -> function outer 。 这次i可以在for循环中执行3次的外部函数范围中find,每次都有正确绑定的值。 内部执行时不会使用window.i的值。


我很惊讶没有人还build议使用forEach函数来更好地避免(重新)使用局部variables。 事实上,我没有使用for(var i ...)在这个原因。

 [0,2,3].forEach(function(i){ console.log('My value:', i); }); // My value: 0 // My value: 2 // My value: 3 



 var funcs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function() { // and store them in funcs console.log("My value: " + i); // each should log its value. }; } for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // and now let's run each one to see } 




 var funcs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function() { // and store them in funcs console.log("My value: " + i); // each should log its value. }; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // and now let's run each one to see } 

so the reason your original example did not work is that all the closures you created in the loop referenced the same frame. in effect having 3 methods on one object with only a single 'i' variable. they all printed out the same value

I prefer to use forEach function, which has its own closure with creating a pseudo range:

 var funcs = []; new Array(3).fill(0).forEach(function (_, i) { // creating a range funcs[i] = function() { // now i is safely incapsulated console.log("My value: " + i); }; }); for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // 0, 1, 2 } 

That looks uglier than ranges in other languages, but IMHO less monstrous than other solutions.

First of all, understand whats wrong with this code.

 var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function() { // and store them in funcs console.log("My value: " + i); // each should log its value. }; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // and now let's run each one to see } 

here when the funcs[] array is being initialized, i is being incremented, the funcs array is initialized and the size of func array becomes 3, so i = 3, . Now when the funcs[j]() is called, it is again using the variable i , which has already been incremented to 3.

Now to solve this, we have many options. Below are two of them.

  1. We can initialize i with let or initialize a new variable index with let and make it equal to i . so when the call is being made, index will be used and its scope will end after initialization. And for calling, index will be initialized again.

 var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let index = i; funcs[i] = function() { console.log("My value: " + index); }; } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); } 
  1. Other Option can be to introduce a tempFunc which returns the actual function.

 var funcs = []; function tempFunc(i){ return function(){ console.log("My value: " + i); }; } for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = tempFunc(i); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); } 

You could use a declarative module for lists of data such as query-js (*). In these situations I personally find a declarative approach less surprising

 var funcs = Query.range(0,3).each(function(i){ return function() { console.log("My value: " + i); }; }); 

You could then use your second loop and get the expected result or you could do

 funcs.iterate(function(f){ f(); }); 

(*) I'm the author of query-js and therefor biased towards using it, so don't take my words as a recommendation for said library only for the declarative approach 🙂

Use closure structure, this would reduce your extra for loop. You can do it in single for loop.

 var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { (funcs[i] = function() { console.log("My value: " + i); })(i); } 

Many solutions seem correct but they don't mention it's called Currying which is a functional programming design pattern for situations like here. 3-10 times faster than bind depending on browser.


 var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = curryShowValue(i); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // and now let's run each one to see } function curryShowValue(i) { return function showValue() { console.log("My value: " + i); } } 

see performance gain in different browsers https://jsperf.com/bind-vs-curry

And yet another solution: instead of creating another loop, just bind the this to the return function.

 var funcs = []; function createFunc(i) { return function() { console.log('My value: ' + i); //log value of i. }.call(this); } for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { //5 functions funcs[i] = createFunc(i); // call createFunc() i=5 times } 

This is a problem often encountered with asynchronous code, the variable i is mutable and at the time at which the function call is made the code using i will be executed and i will have mutated to it's last value.. thus meaning all functions created withing the loop will create a closure and i will be equal to 3 (the upper bound + 1 of the for loop.

A workaround to this, is to create a function that will hold the value of i for each iteration and force a copy i (as it is a primitive, think of it as a snapshot if it helps you).

You code doesn't work, because what it does is:

 Create variable `funcs` and assign it an empty array; Loop from 0 up until it is less than 3 and assign it to variable `i`; Push to variable `funcs` next function: // Only push (save), but don't execute **Write to console current value of variable `i`;** // First loop has ended, i = 3; Loop from 0 up until it is less than 3 and assign it to variable `j`; Call `j`-th function from variable `funcs`: **Write to console current value of variable `i`;** // Ask yourself NOW! What is the value of i? 

Now the question is, what is the value of variable i when the function is called? Because first loop is created with condition i < 3 , it stops immediately when the condition is false, so it is i = 3 .

You need to understand that, in time when your functions are created, none of their's code is executed, it is only saved for later. And so when they are called later, the interpreter executes them and asks "what is the current value of i"?

So, your goal is to first save value of i to function and only after that save the function to funcs . This could be done for example this way:

 var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function(x) { // and store them in funcs console.log("My value: " + x); // each should log its value. }.bind(null, i); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // and now let's run each one to see } 

This way, each function will have it's own variable 'x' and we set this x to value i in each iteration.

This is only one of multiple ways how to solve this problem.

Let's take advantage of new Function. Thus "i" stopes to be a varibale of a closure and becomes just a part of the text.

 var funcs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var functionBody = 'console.log("My value: ' + i + '");'; funcs[i] = new Function(functionBody); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); } 


Lets define callback functions as follows:

 // **************************** // COUNTER BEING A PRIMITIVE // **************************** function test1() { for (var i=0; i<2; i++) { setTimeout(function() { console.log(i); }); } } test1(); // 2 // 2 

After timeout completes it will print 2 for both. This is because callback function accesses value based on lexical scope, where it was function was defined.

To pass and preserve the value while callback was defined, we can create a closure, to preserve value before the callback is invoked. 这可以如下完成:

 function test2() { function sendRequest(i) { setTimeout(function() { console.log(i); }); } for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sendRequest(i); } } test2(); // 1 // 2 

Now whats special about this is "The primitives are passed by value and copied. Thus when the closure is defined, they keep the value from the previous loop."


Since closures have access to parent function variables via reference, this approach would differ from that for primitives.

 // **************************** // COUNTER BEING AN OBJECT // **************************** function test3() { var index = { i: 0 }; for (index.i=0; index.i<2; index.i++) { setTimeout(function() { console.log('test3: ' + index.i); }); } } test3(); // 2 // 2 

So, even if a closure is created for the variable being passed as an object, value of loop index will not be preserved. This is to show that values on object are not copied whereas they are accessed via reference.

 function test4() { var index = { i: 0 }; function sendRequest(index, i) { setTimeout(function() { console.log('index: ' + index); console.log('i: ' + i); console.log(index[i]); }); } for (index.i=0; index.i<2; index.i++) { sendRequest(index, index.i); } } test4(); // index: { i: 2} // 0 // undefined // index: { i: 2} // 1 // undefined