通过扩展名查找文件,* .html在nodejs文件夹下

我想在src文件夹中find所有* .html文件,并使用nodejs查找所有的子文件夹。 什么是最好的办法呢?

var folder = '/project1/src'; var extension = 'html'; var cb = function(err, results) { // results is an array of the files with path relative to the folder console.log(results); } // This function is what I am looking for. It has to recursively traverse all sub folders. findFiles(folder, extension, cb); 



 var path = require('path'), fs=require('fs'); function fromDir(startPath,filter){ //console.log('Starting from dir '+startPath+'/'); if (!fs.existsSync(startPath)){ console.log("no dir ",startPath); return; } var files=fs.readdirSync(startPath); for(var i=0;i<files.length;i++){ var filename=path.join(startPath,files[i]); var stat = fs.lstatSync(filename); if (stat.isDirectory()){ fromDir(filename,filter); //recurse } else if (filename.indexOf(filter)>=0) { console.log('-- found: ',filename); }; }; }; fromDir('../LiteScript','.html'); 


 var path = require('path'), fs=require('fs'); function fromDir(startPath,filter,callback){ //console.log('Starting from dir '+startPath+'/'); if (!fs.existsSync(startPath)){ console.log("no dir ",startPath); return; } var files=fs.readdirSync(startPath); for(var i=0;i<files.length;i++){ var filename=path.join(startPath,files[i]); var stat = fs.lstatSync(filename); if (stat.isDirectory()){ fromDir(filename,filter,callback); //recurse } else if (filter.test(filename)) callback(filename); }; }; fromDir('../LiteScript',/\.html$/,function(filename){ console.log('-- found: ',filename); }); 

什么,挂上?! …好的,也许这对其他人来说更有意义。

[ nodejs 7介意你]

 let dirCont = wl.fs.readdirSync( dir ); let files = dirCont.filter( function( elm ) {return elm.match(/.*\.(htm?html)/ig);}); 


基于卢西奥的代码,我做了一个模块。 它将返回一个带有特定扩展名的所有文件。 只要在这里发布,以防有​​人需要它。

 var path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'); /** * Find all files recursively in specific folder with specific extension, eg: * findFilesInDir('./project/src', '.html') ==> ['./project/src/a.html','./project/src/build/index.html'] * @param {String} startPath Path relative to this file or other file which requires this files * @param {String} filter Extension name, eg: '.html' * @return {Array} Result files with path string in an array */ function findFilesInDir(startPath,filter){ var results = []; if (!fs.existsSync(startPath)){ console.log("no dir ",startPath); return; } var files=fs.readdirSync(startPath); for(var i=0;i<files.length;i++){ var filename=path.join(startPath,files[i]); var stat = fs.lstatSync(filename); if (stat.isDirectory()){ results = results.concat(findFilesInDir(filename,filter)); //recurse } else if (filename.indexOf(filter)>=0) { console.log('-- found: ',filename); results.push(filename); } } return results; } module.exports = findFilesInDir; 


例如:find/ tmp中的所有.html文件:

 const Filehound = require('filehound'); Filehound.create() .ext('html') .paths("/tmp") .find((err, htmlFiles) => { if (err) return console.error("handle err", err); console.log(htmlFiles); }); 

有关更多信息(和示例),请查看文档: https : //github.com/nspragg/filehound

免责声明 :我是作者。

您可以使用操作系统帮助。 这是一个跨平台的解决scheme:

1.波纹pipe函数使用lsdir ,并不recursionsearch,但它有相对path

 var exec = require('child_process').exec; function findFiles(folder,extension,cb){ var command = ""; if(/^win/.test(process.platform)){ command = "dir /B "+folder+"\\*."+extension; }else{ command = "ls -1 "+folder+"/*."+extension; } exec(command,function(err,stdout,stderr){ if(err) return cb(err,null); //get rid of \r from windows stdout = stdout.replace(/\r/g,""); var files = stdout.split("\n"); //remove last entry because it is empty files.splice(-1,1); cb(err,files); }); } findFiles("folderName","html",function(err,files){ console.log("files:",files); }) 

2.下面的函数使用finddir ,recursion地search,但是在窗口上它有绝对path

 var exec = require('child_process').exec; function findFiles(folder,extension,cb){ var command = ""; if(/^win/.test(process.platform)){ command = "dir /B /s "+folder+"\\*."+extension; }else{ command = 'find '+folder+' -name "*.'+extension+'"' } exec(command,function(err,stdout,stderr){ if(err) return cb(err,null); //get rid of \r from windows stdout = stdout.replace(/\r/g,""); var files = stdout.split("\n"); //remove last entry because it is empty files.splice(-1,1); cb(err,files); }); } findFiles("folder","html",function(err,files){ console.log("files:",files); }) 

我刚刚注意到,你正在使用同步fs方法,这可能会阻止你的应用程序,这里是一个使用asyncq的基于promise的asynchronous方式,你可以使用START = / myfolder FILTER =“.jpg”节点myfile.js执行它,假设您将以下代码放在名为myfile.js的文件中:

 Q = require("q") async = require("async") path = require("path") fs = require("fs") function findFiles(startPath, filter, files){ var deferred; deferred = Q.defer(); //main deferred //read directory Q.nfcall(fs.readdir, startPath).then(function(list) { var ideferred = Q.defer(); //inner deferred for resolve of async each //async crawling through dir async.each(list, function(item, done) { //stat current item in dirlist return Q.nfcall(fs.stat, path.join(startPath, item)) .then(function(stat) { //check if item is a directory if (stat.isDirectory()) { //recursive!! find files in subdirectory return findFiles(path.join(startPath, item), filter, files) .catch(function(error){ console.log("could not read path: " + error.toString()); }) .finally(function() { //resolve async job after promise of subprocess of finding files has been resolved return done(); }); //check if item is a file, that matches the filter and add it to files array } else if (item.indexOf(filter) >= 0) { files.push(path.join(startPath, item)); return done(); //file is no directory and does not match the filefilter -> don't do anything } else { return done(); } }) .catch(function(error){ ideferred.reject("Could not stat: " + error.toString()); }); }, function() { return ideferred.resolve(); //async each has finished, so resolve inner deferred }); return ideferred.promise; }).then(function() { //here you could do anything with the files of this recursion step (otherwise you would only need ONE deferred) return deferred.resolve(files); //resolve main deferred }).catch(function(error) { deferred.reject("Could not read dir: " + error.toString()); return }); return deferred.promise; } findFiles(process.env.START, process.env.FILTER, []) .then(function(files){ console.log(files); }) .catch(function(error){ console.log("Problem finding files: " + error); }) 


 var path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'); var findFiles = function(folder, pattern = /.*/, callback) { var flist = []; fs.readdirSync(folder).map(function(e){ var fname = path.join(folder, e); var fstat = fs.lstatSync(fname); if (fstat.isDirectory()) { // don't want to produce a new array with concat Array.prototype.push.apply(flist, findFiles(fname, pattern, callback)); } else { if (pattern.test(fname)) { flist.push(fname); if (callback) { callback(fname); } } } }); return flist; }; // HTML files var html_files = findFiles(myPath, /\.html$/, function(o) { console.log('look what we have found : ' + o} ); // All files var all_files = findFiles(myPath);