hough变换 – javascript – node.js

所以,我试图实现霍夫变换,这个版本是基于次要属性的1维(它的所有变暗减less到1个昏暗的优化)版本。 封闭的是我的代码,具有示例图像…input和输出。

明显的问题是我做错了什么。 我翻了三倍检查我的逻辑和代码,它看起来也很好,我的参数。 但显然我错过了什么。


另外,我不感兴趣的openCV / matlab / ocatve /等..使用(没有任何反对他们)。 非常感谢你!

var fs = require("fs"), Canvas = require("canvas"), Image = Canvas.Image; var LEAST_REQUIRED_DISTANCE = 40, // LEAST required distance between 2 points , lets say smallest ellipse minor LEAST_REQUIRED_ELLIPSES = 6, // number of found ellipse arr_accum = [], arr_edges = [], edges_canvas, xy, x1y1, x2y2, x0, y0, a, alpha, d, b, max_votes, cos_tau, sin_tau_sqr, f, new_x0, new_y0, any_minor_dist, max_minor, i, found_minor_in_accum, arr_edges_len, hough_file = 'sample_me2.jpg', edges_canvas = drawImgToCanvasSync(hough_file); // make sure everything is black and white! arr_edges = getEdgesArr(edges_canvas); arr_edges_len = arr_edges.length; var hough_canvas_img_data = edges_canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, edges_canvas.width,edges_canvas.height); for(x1y1 = 0; x1y1 < arr_edges_len ; x1y1++){ if (arr_edges[x1y1].x === -1) { continue; } for(x2y2 = 0 ; x2y2 < arr_edges_len; x2y2++){ if ((arr_edges[x2y2].x === -1) || (arr_edges[x2y2].x === arr_edges[x1y1].x && arr_edges[x2y2].y === arr_edges[x1y1].y)) { continue; } if (distance(arr_edges[x1y1],arr_edges[x2y2]) > LEAST_REQUIRED_DISTANCE){ x0 = (arr_edges[x1y1].x + arr_edges[x2y2].x) / 2; y0 = (arr_edges[x1y1].y + arr_edges[x2y2].y) / 2; a = Math.sqrt((arr_edges[x1y1].x - arr_edges[x2y2].x) * (arr_edges[x1y1].x - arr_edges[x2y2].x) + (arr_edges[x1y1].y - arr_edges[x2y2].y) * (arr_edges[x1y1].y - arr_edges[x2y2].y)) / 2; alpha = Math.atan((arr_edges[x2y2].y - arr_edges[x1y1].y) / (arr_edges[x2y2].x - arr_edges[x1y1].x)); for(xy = 0 ; xy < arr_edges_len; xy++){ if ((arr_edges[xy].x === -1) || (arr_edges[xy].x === arr_edges[x2y2].x && arr_edges[xy].y === arr_edges[x2y2].y) || (arr_edges[xy].x === arr_edges[x1y1].x && arr_edges[xy].y === arr_edges[x1y1].y)) { continue; } d = distance({x: x0, y: y0},arr_edges[xy]); if (d > LEAST_REQUIRED_DISTANCE){ f = distance(arr_edges[xy],arr_edges[x2y2]); // focus cos_tau = (a * a + d * d - f * f) / (2 * a * d); sin_tau_sqr = (1 - cos_tau * cos_tau);//Math.sqrt(1 - cos_tau * cos_tau); // getting sin out of cos b = (a * a * d * d * sin_tau_sqr ) / (a * a - d * d * cos_tau * cos_tau); b = Math.sqrt(b); b = parseInt(b.toFixed(0)); d = parseInt(d.toFixed(0)); if (b > 0){ found_minor_in_accum = arr_accum.hasOwnProperty(b); if (!found_minor_in_accum){ arr_accum[b] = {f: f, cos_tau: cos_tau, sin_tau_sqr: sin_tau_sqr, b: b, d: d, xy: xy, xy_point: JSON.stringify(arr_edges[xy]), x0: x0, y0: y0, accum: 0}; } else{ arr_accum[b].accum++; } }// b }// if2 - LEAST_REQUIRED_DISTANCE }// for xy max_votes = getMaxMinor(arr_accum); // ONE ellipse has been detected if (max_votes != null && (max_votes.max_votes > LEAST_REQUIRED_ELLIPSES)){ // output ellipse details new_x0 = parseInt(arr_accum[max_votes.index].x0.toFixed(0)), new_y0 = parseInt(arr_accum[max_votes.index].y0.toFixed(0)); setPixel(hough_canvas_img_data,new_x0,new_y0,255,0,0,255); // Red centers // remove the pixels on the detected ellipse from edge pixel array for (i=0; i < arr_edges.length; i++){ any_minor_dist = distance({x:new_x0, y: new_y0}, arr_edges[i]); any_minor_dist = parseInt(any_minor_dist.toFixed(0)); max_minor = b;//Math.max(b,arr_accum[max_votes.index].d); // between the max and the min // coloring in blue the edges we don't need if (any_minor_dist <= max_minor){ setPixel(hough_canvas_img_data,arr_edges[i].x,arr_edges[i].y,0,0,255,255); arr_edges[i] = {x: -1, y: -1}; }// if }// for }// if - LEAST_REQUIRED_ELLIPSES // clear accumulated array arr_accum = []; }// if1 - LEAST_REQUIRED_DISTANCE }// for x2y2 }// for xy edges_canvas.getContext('2d').putImageData(hough_canvas_img_data, 0, 0); writeCanvasToFile(edges_canvas, __dirname + '/hough.jpg', function() { }); function getMaxMinor(accum_in){ var max_votes = -1, max_votes_idx, i, accum_len = accum_in.length; for(i in accum_in){ if (accum_in[i].accum > max_votes){ max_votes = accum_in[i].accum; max_votes_idx = i; } // if } if (max_votes > 0){ return {max_votes: max_votes, index: max_votes_idx}; } return null; } function distance(point_a,point_b){ return Math.sqrt((point_a.x - point_b.x) * (point_a.x - point_b.x) + (point_a.y - point_b.y) * (point_a.y - point_b.y)); } function getEdgesArr(canvas_in){ var x, y, width = canvas_in.width, height = canvas_in.height, pixel, edges = [], ctx = canvas_in.getContext('2d'), img_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); for(x = 0; x < width; x++){ for(y = 0; y < height; y++){ pixel = getPixel(img_data, x,y); if (pixel.r !== 0 && pixel.g !== 0 && pixel.b !== 0 ){ edges.push({x: x, y: y}); } } // for }// for return edges } // getEdgesArr function drawImgToCanvasSync(file) { var data = fs.readFileSync(file) var canvas = dataToCanvas(data); return canvas; } function dataToCanvas(imagedata) { img = new Canvas.Image(); img.src = new Buffer(imagedata, 'binary'); var canvas = new Canvas(img.width, img.height); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.patternQuality = "best"; ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); return canvas; } function writeCanvasToFile(canvas, file, callback) { var out = fs.createWriteStream(file) var stream = canvas.createPNGStream(); stream.on('data', function(chunk) { out.write(chunk); }); stream.on('end', function() { callback(); }); } function setPixel(imageData, x, y, r, g, b, a) { index = (x + y * imageData.width) * 4; imageData.data[index+0] = r; imageData.data[index+1] = g; imageData.data[index+2] = b; imageData.data[index+3] = a; } function getPixel(imageData, x, y) { index = (x + y * imageData.width) * 4; return { r: imageData.data[index+0], g: imageData.data[index+1], b: imageData.data[index+2], a: imageData.data[index+3] } } 


看来你试着实现了谢永红的algorithm; 强记(2002)。 一种新的有效的椭圆检测方法2. p。 957 。


在您的代码中,通过将坐标重置为{-1, -1}来执行find的椭圆的移除(原始纸张的algorithm的步骤12)。


 `if (arr_edges[x1y1].x === -1) break;` 

在x2y2块的末尾。 否则,循环会将-1,-1视为白点。

更重要的是,你的algorithm在于擦除到中心的距离小于b每个点。 b被认为是短轴的半长度(按原始algorithm)。 但是在你的代码中,variablesb实际上是最新的 (也不是最频繁的)半长,并且你擦除的距离小于b(而不是更大,因为它是次轴)。 换句话说,清除距离最近计算轴的距离的圆内的所有点。


 max_minor = arr_accum[max_votes.index].d; 

的确,你没有重叠的椭圆,而且它们已经足够分散了。 请考虑更好的重叠algorithm或更接近的省略号。




这显然是一个近似值。 如果这样做的话,最终会考虑比短轴半长度更远的点,并最终在长轴上(换轴)。 您应该确保所考虑的点与testing的椭圆中心之间的距离小于当前认为的长轴半长度(条件应该是d <= a )。 这将有助于algorithm的椭圆擦除部分。

此外,如果您还比较了像素对的最小距离,则根据原始纸张,40对于图片中较小的椭圆太大。 你的代码中的注释是错误的,它应该是最小椭圆短轴半长的一半


这个参数也是错误的。 这是一个椭圆应被视为有效的最低票数。 每个投票对应一个像素。 所以6的值意味着只有6 + 2个像素形成一个椭圆。 由于像素坐标是整数,并且在图片中有多个椭圆,所以该algorithm可能会检测到不是椭圆,并最终清除边缘(特别是与错误的椭圆擦除algorithm结合使用时)。 根据testing,100的值会find你的图片的五个椭圆中的四个,而80会find他们。 较小的值不会find椭圆的正确中心。


尽pipe有评论,示例图像并不完全是黑白的。 你应该转换它或应用一些阈值(例如,RGB值大于10而不是简单的不同的forms0)。

最小变化的差异,使其工作可在这里: https : //gist.github.com/pguyot/26149fec29ffa47f0cfb/revisions

最后,请注意parseInt(x.toFixed(0))可以被重写为Math.floor(x) ,并且您可能不希望像这样截断所有的浮点数,而是将它们parseInt(x.toFixed(0)) ,然后在需要的地方继续:要擦除的algorithm图片中的椭圆会从中心坐标的非截断值中受益。 这个代码绝对可以进一步改进,例如它现在计算两次点x1y1x2y2之间的距离。