

/projects/ /projects/project_id /projects/project_id/items/ /projects/project_id/items/item_id 

每个CRUD都是有道理的。 例如,/项目POST创build一个新项目,GET获取所有项目。 / projects / project_id GET只提取一个项目。




  server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/projects', handler: getAllProjects }); server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/projects/{project_id}', handler: getOneProject }); server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/projects/{project_id}/items/{item_id}', handler: getOneItemForProject }); server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/projects/{project_id}/items', handler: getAllItemsForProject }) 




首先,hapi在path中提供了通配符variables,使用这些variables可以为给定的path创build一条全path的path。 例如:

 server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/projects/{project*}', handler: (request, reply) => { reply('in /projects, re-dispatch ' + request.params.project); } }); 


在上面的例子中, {project*}参数将作为request.params.project可用,并将包含被调用path的其余部分,例如GET /projects/some/awesome/thingrequest.params.project设置为some/awesome/project

下一步是处理这个“子path”(你真正的问题),这主要是一个品味和你想如何工作的问题。 你的问题似乎意味着你不想创build一个非常相似的东西无尽的重复列表,但同时能够具有非常具体的项目路线。


让我们通过假设一个文件夹结构(相对于包含path的文件,例如index.js )来探索这个概念,可以很容易地使用它来包含特定路由的处理程序。

 const fs = require('fs'); // require the built-in fs (filesystem) module server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/projects/{project*}', handler: (request, reply) => { const segment = 'project' in request.params ? request.params.project.split('/') : []; const name = segment.length ? segment.shift() : null; if (!name) { // given the samples in the question, this should provide a list of all projects, // which would be easily be done with fs.readdir or glob. return reply('getAllProjects'); } let projectHandler = [__dirname, 'projects', name, 'index.js'].join('/'); fs.stat(projectHandler, (error, stat) => { if (error) { return reply('Not found').code(404); } if (!stat.isFile()) { return reply(projectHandler + ' is not a file..').code(500); } const module = require(projectHandler); module(segment, request, reply); }); } }); 


您甚至不必为每个请求方法指定此值,因为您可以简单地使用method: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']处理多个方法method: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']而不是method: 'GET'



 // <app>/projects/<projectname>/index.js module.exports = (segments, request, reply) => { // segments contains the remainder of the called project path // eg /projects/some/awesome/project // would become ['some', 'awesome', 'project'] inside the hapi route itself // which in turn removes the first part (the project: 'some'), which is were we are now // <app>/projects/some/index.js // leaving the remainder to be ['awesome', 'project'] // request and reply are the very same ones the hapi route has received const action = segments.length ? segments.shift() : null; const item = segments.length ? segments.shift() : null; // if an action was specified, handle it. if (action) { // if an item was specified, handle it. if (item) { return reply('getOneItemForProject:' + item); } // if action is 'items', the reply will become: getAllItemsForProject // given the example, the reply becomes: getAllAwesomeForProject return reply('getAll' + action[0].toUpperCase() + action.substring(1) + 'ForProject'); } // no specific action, so reply with the entire project reply('getOneProject'); }; 


  • 如果项目处理模块非常相似,则应该创build一个库,用来防止一次又一次复制同一个模块,因为这样可以使维护变得更加容易(我认为,这是子路由的最终目标)
  • 如果你能确定在运行时使用哪个模块,那么当服务器进程启动的时候,你也应该能够弄清楚。


弄清楚哪些模块可用来处理应用程序开始时的各种项目,这样可以节省每次请求的次数,从而不得不一次又一次地应用相同的逻辑。 Hapi也许能够为你caching,在这种情况下,这并不重要,但是如果caching不是一个选项,那么使用较less的dynamicpath可能会更好(我相信 – 这是不提供的主要原因默认情况下是hapi)。

您可以遍历项目文件夹,在应用程序的开始处查找所有<project>/index.js ,并使用glob注册更具体的路由,如下所示:

 const glob = require('glob'); glob('projects/*', (error, projects) => { projects.forEach((project) => { const name = project.replace('projects/', ''); const module = require(project); server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/projects/' + name + '/{remainder*}', handler: (request, reply) => { const segment = 'remainder' in request.params ? request.params.remainder.split('/') : []; module(segment, request, reply); } }); }); }); 

这有效地取代了上述查询模块的每个请求的逻辑,并切换到一个(稍微)更有效的路由,因为您高枕无忧,确切地说,您将提供哪些项目,同时仍然将实际处理留给您提供的每个项目模块。 (不要忘记实施/projects路线,因为这需要明确地完成)

你正在寻找的东西类似于Express的Router 。 事实上,Express在挖掘这个特性的function方面做得很好,所以我会在这里重新发布一个例子:

 // routes/users.js: // Note we are not specifying the '/users' portion of the path here... const router = express.Router(); // index route router.get('/', (req, res) => {... }); // item route router.get('/:id', (req, res) => { ... }); // create route router.post('/', (req,res) => { ... }); // update route router.put('/:id', (req,res) => { ... }); // Note also you should be using router.param to consolidate lookup logic: router.param('id', (req, res, next) => { const id = req.params.id; User.findById(id).then( user => { if ( ! user ) return next(Boom.notFound(`User [${id}] does not exist`)); req.user = user; next(); }).catch(next); }); module.exports = router; 

然后在你的app.js或main routes / index.js中组装你的路线:

 const userRoutes = require('./routes/users') // now we say to mount those routes at /users! Yay DRY! server.use('/users', userRoutes) 

我实际上很失望地发现这个SOpost没有其他答案,所以我会假设没有什么开箱即用(甚至是第三方模块!)来实现这一点。 我想,创build一个使用function组合来消除重复的简单模块可能不会太困难。 由于每个hapi路由defs只是一个对象,所以你可以像下面这样做一个类似的包装(未经testing):

 function mountRoutes(pathPrefix, server, routes) { // for the sake of argument assume routes is an array and each item is // what you'd normally pass to hapi's `server.route routes.forEach( route => { const path = `${pathPrefix}{route.path}`; server.route(Object.assign(routes, {path})); }); } 

编辑在你的情况下,因为你有多层嵌套,类似于Express的router.paramfunction也将是非常有帮助的。 我不熟悉hapi,所以我不知道它是否已经有这个能力。
