Google Shopping API node.js产品插件返回“INSERT请求必须指定产品”错误

我正尝试使用以下node.js代码将产品插入到Google Shopping API,但是我一直在收到错误消息:

{ [Error: [product] INSERT request must specify product] code: 400, errors: [ { domain: 'global', reason: 'required', message: '[product] INSERT request must specify product' } ] } 

这里是我的JavaScript代码(我在这里使用节点客户端: https : // ):

 var google = require('googleapis'); var OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2; var oauth2Client = new OAuth2(*OAUTHDETAILS*); oauth2Client.setCredentials({ access_token: '*ACCESSTOKEN*', //refresh_token: 'REFRESH TOKEN HERE' }); var content = google.content({ version: 'v2', auth: oauth2Client }); var product = { "channel": "online", "contentLanguage": "en", "offerId": *PRODUCTID*, "targetCountry": "us", "identifierExists": false, "condition": "new", "link": "*PRODUCTLINK*", "price": { "currency": "usd", "value": *VALUE* }, "title": *PRODUCTTITLE*, "availability": "in stock", "description": *DESCRIPTION*, "googleProductCategory": *PRODUCTCATEGORY*, "ageGroup": "adult", "color": *PRODUCTCOLOR*, "gender": "unisex", "sizes": [ "XS", 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL' ], "imageLink": *IMGURL* }; content.products.insert({merchantId:*MERCHANTID*,product:product},function(err, resp) { // handle err and response console.log(err); console.log(resp); }); 



 /** * content.products.insert * * @desc Uploads a product to your Merchant Center account. * * @alias content.products.insert * @memberOf! content(v2) * * @param {object} params - Parameters for request * @param {boolean=} params.dryRun - Flag to run the request in dry-run mode. * @param {string} params.merchantId - The ID of the managing account. * @param {object} params.resource - Request body data * @param {callback} callback - The callback that handles the response. * @return {object} Request object */ 

此签名可以在以下文件中find: https : // 。


因此,您需要将传递给插入函数的参数从{merchantId: MERCHANTID ,product:product},...更改为{merchantId: MERCHANTID ,resource:product},...