

eval = function(){}; delete Function.prototype.constructor; Function = undefined; // the following are to block require('vm') -- if anyone wants to run this // in production it may be better to block that one module (others?) require = undefined; module.__proto__.require = undefined; // added this due to alexpod's answer, modified due to Fabrício Matté's :) module.constructor = undefined; // added this due to alexpod's answer 

这是在node.js,所以setTimeout( "string" )不起作用。

那么,你也有node modulevariables。 所以你可以使用require方法来要求vm包和运行代码:

 var vm = module.require('vm'); vm.runInThisContext(' console.log("hello") '); 


 var vm = module.constructor.prototype.require('vm'); vm.runInThisContext(' console.log("hello") '); 


 var vm = module.constructor._load('vm'); vm.runInThisContext(' console.log("hello") '); 


 module.constructor.prototype._compile(' console.log("again hacked") '); // or module.__proto__._compile(' console.log("again hacked") '); // or Object.getPrototypeOf(module)._compile(' console.log("again hacked") '); 

我认为更好地设置module = undefined使问题更复杂:)

UPD4还有另一个变种没有module 🙂

 process.stdin.push(' console.log("here we are") \n '); 


UPD5同样在iojs和版本> = 0.11.x的node ,您可以使用contextify绑定:

 var contextify = process.binding('contextify'); var script = new contextify.ContextifyScript(' console.log("im here, buddy") '); script.runInThisContext(); 

在版本<0.11.x的node ,您可以使用evals绑定:

 var evals = process.binding('evals'); var script = new evals.NodeScript(' console.log("here I am") ') script.runInThisContext(); 

module.require = undefined; 是不够的,因为require是从模块原型inheritance的:

 module.require = undefined; var vm = module.__proto__.require('vm'); vm.runInThisContext('console.log(1)'); 


 module.__proto__.require = undefined; // now this fails and you can't use the __proto__ trick: var vm = module.require('vm');