

var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/files')); app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080); 

我想通过响应GET 文件夹使这个应用程序稍微更聪明。 我的意思是, 在JSON中列出文件夹的完整列表


 [{ "type" : "file", "name" : "file1.ext" }, { "type" : "file", "name" : "file2.ext" }, { "type" : "dir", "name" : "a-folder" }] 


 Cannot GET / 

有没有办法扩展Express的静态行为来实现这一目标? 如果没有,你会推荐什么方法?

编辑 :我试图使用服务器serve-index中间件(以前的directory ),工作正常,但不幸的是直接返回HTML,当我需要原始的JSON。



 var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.use("/files",express.static('files')); app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080); 




  • 你有一个API来做到这一点: https : //github.com/expressjs/serve-index

  • 另外,在Express中有一个目录选项: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/6524266/3617531


就像这里所说的那样,也许安装节点工具glob( npm install glob ),并且在/files目录下用这种方式编写GET一些express函数:

 var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var glob = require("glob") //EDIT: As you commented, you should add this also here, to allow // accessing the files inside the dir. It should not be a problem as // GET only manages the requests to "/files" url, without a file name // after it. app.use("/files", express.static("/files")); app.get('/files', function (req, res) { //EDIT: USE WALK INSTEAD OF WALK TO GO UNDER CHILD DIRS glob("*.ext", options, function (er, files) { // files is an array of filenames. // If the `nonull` option is set, and nothing // was found, then files is ["**/*.js"] // er is an error object or null. res.send(files); }); }); var server = app.listen(8080, function () { var host = server.address().address; var port = server.address().port; console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', host, port); }); 


 var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var walk = require('walk'); var ALLfiles = []; app.use("/files", express.static("/files")); app.get('/files', function (req, res) { //EDIT: If you need to go under subdirs: change glob to walk as said in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2727167/getting-all-filenames-in-a-directory-with-node-js/25580289#25580289 var walker = walk.walk('./files', { followLinks: false }); walker.on('file', function(root, stat, next) { // Add this file to the list of files ALLfiles.push(root + '/' + stat.name); next(); }); walker.on('end', function() { res.send(ALLfiles); }); }); var server = app.listen(8080, function () { var host = server.address().address; var port = server.address().port; console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', host, port); });