
我正在做一些事情,包括按顺序运行一系列的child_process.spawn() (做一些设置,然后运行调用者感兴趣的实际命令,然后做一些清理)。


 doAllTheThings() .then(function(exitStatus){ // all the things were done // and we've returned the exitStatus of // a command in the middle of a chain }); 


 function doAllTheThings() { runSetupCommand() .then(function(){ return runInterestingCommand(); }) .then(function(exitStatus){ return runTearDownCommand(exitStatus); // pass exitStatus along to return to caller }); } 

在内部我使用child_process.spawn() ,它返回一个EventEmitter ,我有效地从runInterestingCommand()返回close事件的结果返回给调用者。

现在我还需要将data事件从stdout和stderr发送到调用者,这些也来自EventEmitter。 有没有办法让(Bluebird)Promises这个工作,或者他们只是在阻碍EventEmitters发出多个事件?


 doAllTheThings() .on('stdout', function(data){ // process a chunk of received stdout data }) .on('stderr', function(data){ // process a chunk of received stderr data }) .then(function(exitStatus){ // all the things were done // and we've returned the exitStatus of // a command in the middle of a chain }); 


 withTemporaryState(function(done){ var cmd = runInterestingCommand(); cmd.on('stdout', function(data){ // process a chunk of received stdout data }); cmd.on('stderr', function(data){ // process a chunk of received stderr data }); cmd.on('close', function(exitStatus){ // process the exitStatus done(); }); }); 

但是由于EventEmitter在Node.js中非常普遍,我不禁想到应该能够使它们在Promise链中工作。 任何线索?



 function doAllTheThings(){ var com = runInterestingCommand(); var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ com.on("close", resolve); com.on("error", reject); }); p.on = function(){ com.on.apply(com, arguments); return p; }; return p; } 


 doAllTheThings() .on('stdout', function(data){ // process a chunk of received stdout data }) .on('stderr', function(data){ // process a chunk of received stderr data }) .then(function(exitStatus){ // all the things were done // and we've returned the exitStatus of // a command in the middle of a chain }); 


 function doAllTheThings(onData, onErr){ var com = runInterestingCommand(); var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ com.on("close", resolve); com.on("error", reject); }); com.on("stdout", onData).on("strerr", onErr); return p; } 


 doAllTheThings(function(data){ // process a chunk of received stdout data }, function(data){ // process a chunk of received stderr data }) .then(function(exitStatus){ // all the things were done // and we've returned the exitStatus of // a command in the middle of a chain });