覆盖 et的JavaScript对象实例(与原型?)的最佳方法?


var brother = new Person("James"); console.log(brother.status); // "James, current location: home, health condition: saber" brother.status = { location: "pub", "health condition": "drunk as a skunk" }; console.log(brother.status); // "James, current location: pub, health condition: drunk as a skunk" 




 // Constructor function Person(name){ // In prototype, Can be in herited this._name = name; this._status; // Not available in prototype, hence cannot be inherited age = 20; function incAge(){ age++; } // Available in instances, Privilege. this.getAge = function(){ incAge(); // Accessing private members return age; } } Person.prototype.constructor = Person; Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, "status", { configurable : true, // If you want it to be changed in derived class enumerable : false, get : function(){ this._status = this._status || {location : "home", "health condition" : "saber"}; return this._name + ", current location: "+ this._status.location+", health condition: "+this._status["health condition"]; }, set : function(status){this._status = status} }); //----DERIVED CLASS--- function SuperPerson(name){ Person.call(this, name); } SuperPerson.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype); SuperPerson.prototype.constructor = SuperPerson; Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, "status", { enumerable : false, get : function(){ this._status = this._status || {location : "BatCave", "health condition" : "I dont have parents to take care of me"}; return this._name + ", current location: "+ this._status.location+", health condition: "+this._status["health condition"]; } }); 

如果你有兴趣, 这篇文章精美地解释了Object.defineProperty方法的描述符。

你可以为所有人定义一个通用的私有defaultStatus ,然后为每个人创build一个从defaultStatusinheritance的私有status 。 然后,公开status ,在设置时,将新数据分配给私人status (我使用ES6 Object.assign ,可以填充 )。 获取时,它build立所需的string。

 var Person = (function() { var defaultStatus = { location: 'home', health: 'saber' }; return function Person(name) { var status = Object.create(defaultStatus); Object.defineProperty(this, 'status', { enumerable: true, get: function() { return [ name, "current location: " + status.location, "health condition: " + status.health ].join(', '); }, set: Object.assign.bind(void 0, status) }); }; })();