

当我正在运行nodejs的笔记本电脑上工作时,一切正常。 我可以打开多个窗口选项卡,我有多个用户。


"GET http://localhost:8000/ net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" 

  /************************************************** ** GAME INITIALISATION **************************************************/ function init() { // Declare the canvas and rendering context canvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas"); ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Maximise the canvas canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; // Initialise keyboard controls keys = new Keys(); // Calculate a random start position for the local player // The minus 5 (half a player size) stops the player being // placed right on the egde of the screen var startX = Math.round(Math.random()*(canvas.width-5)), startY = Math.round(Math.random()*(canvas.height-5)); // Initialise the local player localPlayer = new Player(startX, startY); socket = io.connect("http://localhost", {port: 8000, transports: ["websocket"]}); remotePlayers = []; // Start listening for events setEventHandlers(); }; 


  /************************************************** ** NODE.JS REQUIREMENTS **************************************************/ var util = require("util"), // Utility resources (logging, object inspection, etc) io = require(""); // Socket.IO Player = require("./Player").Player; // Player class /************************************************** ** GAME VARIABLES **************************************************/ var socket, // Socket controller players; // Array of connected players /************************************************** ** GAME INITIALISATION **************************************************/ function init() { // Create an empty array to store players players = []; socket = io.listen(8000); socket.configure(function() { socket.set("transports", ["websocket"]); socket.set("log level", 2); }); setEventHandlers(); 



这里是我如何为socket.io设置一个工作节点服务器。 也许这会有所帮助。

 var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var http = require('http').Server(app); var io = require('')(http); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/')); app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.sendfile('index.html'); }); io.on('connection', function(socket){ // on connection from the client this is where you can do stuff like... //socket.emit('message', JSON.stringify(yourdataobj)); } }); http.listen(3000, function(){ console.log('listening on *:3000'); }); 



 <script src="/"></script> 


 <script> var socket = io(); socket.on('message', function(msg){ console.log(msg); }); </script> 

另外,请参阅socket.io网站,了解如何设置它们的提醒和刷新: http : //