用头文件读取csv,然后使用node / grunt将每一行上传到couchdb

我想阅读一个CSV文件,并使用咕task任务将每一行上传到一个couchdb。 在这一点上,我还没有做任何数据库validation,如检查logging是否已经存在,但在某些时候也必须这样做。




 csv2couch: { people: { db: 'http://localhost:5984/db', collectionName: 'person', src:['./data/schema3/people.csv'] }, organisms: { db: '<%= qmconfig.COUCHDBURL %>', collectionName: 'organism', src:['./data/schema3/organisms.csv'] } } 


 'use strict'; var nanolib = require('nano'), csv = require('csv'), urls = require('url'), fs = require('fs'); module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.registerMultiTask('csv2couch', 'Parse csv file and upload data to couchdb.', function() { var done, parts, dbname, _this, collectionName; _this = this; done = this.async(); parts = urls.parse(this.data.db); dbname = parts.pathname.replace(/^\//, ''); collectionName = this.data.collectionName; // Merge task-specific and/or target-specific options with these defaults. var options = this.options({}); // couchdb connection try { var nano = nanolib(parts.protocol + '//' + parts.host); } catch (e) { grunt.warn(e); done(e, null); } // database connection var db = nano.use(dbname); // process each source csv file this.filesSrc.forEach(function(f) { console.log('source file:', f); csv() .from.path(f, { columns:true, delimeter:',', quote:'"' }) .on('record', function(row,index){ console.log('#'+index, row); save(row, collectionName); }) .on('end', function(count){ console.log('Number of lines: '+count); done(); }) .on('error', function(error){ console.log(error.message); done(error); }); }); function save (data, collectionName) { // document ID is concatenation of collectionName and ID var docID = collectionName[0]+'_'+data.ID; // add some additional data data.type = collectionName; // insert data into couchdb db.insert(data, docID, function(err, body, header) { if (err) { console.log('[db.insert] ', err.message); return; } }); } }); }; 

你是对的,asynchronous代码是不正确的。 在保存所有logging之前,CSV文件正在读取到最后。 只有在保存上一条logging时才需要调用完成。


 var rowsRead = 0, // the number of rows read from the csv file rowsWritten = 0; // the number of rows written to CouchdDb 


 .on('record', function(row,index){ rowsRead++; save(row, collectionName, function(err){ if(err){ return done(err); } rowsWritten++; if(rowsRead===rowsWritten){ // check if we've written all records to CouchDb done(); } }); }) 


 function save (data, collectionName, callback) { // document ID is concatenation of collectionName and ID var docID = collectionName[0]+'_'+data.ID; // add some additional data data.type = collectionName; // insert data into couchdb db.insert(data, docID, callback); }