

exports.getTableData = function(callback){    var uiArray =[];     var count;        aLib.loadCheck(client);        //Clicks the first record of the table     aLib.controlClick(client, obj.table.firstRecord);     aLib.loadCheck(client);        // Gets the text of the total number of records on the top left of the table and uses it to drive the loop     client.getText(obj.topContent.recordCount, function (err, rowNum){        console.log(rowNum);        count = rowNum.match(/\d/g).join(""); console.log('No. of records on UI:', count);           // Recursive function which clicks, reads the text in the selected row, and then clicks the next immediate row.           // This way, the dynamic nature of the records appearing in the DOM, as one scrolls down is handled. function forLoop(i){ client.getText(obj.table.selectedRow, function (err, text){                 var str = text.toString();//coverted UI text to string str = str.replace(/\n/g,",");//converted next line(\n/g) to comma str = str.replace(/\s/g, '');//removed blank space(\s/g) var text = str.split(',');//converted string to array again removed = text.splice(1,1);// removed updated by from UI removed = text.splice(6,1);// removed inserted on from UI removed = text.splice(7,2);// removed created by id from UI // console.log(text.length); uiArray.push.apply(uiArray, text); // console.log('UI array ki length',uiArray.length); console.log('i ki value :',i) if(i==count){   console.log('inside if..............'); console.log(uiArray); return callback(uiArray); } client.click(obj.table.nextRow); forLoop(i+1); }); } forLoop(1);     }); }; 

我的脚本调用这个函数getTableData。 尝试{

  aLib.getTableData(client, function (uiTable){ console.log('suman00'); console.log(uiTable); }); client.pause(12000); } catch (e) { expect(false).toBe(true); throw new Error('testcase case failed because of exception : ' + e); } client.call(done); },250000); 

return callback(uiArray);我遇到了问题return callback(uiArray);

 console.log(uiArray); //this returns value successfully.however i am unable to return the array to my script. 

你用两个参数调用getTableData() ,第二个参数是一个callback:

 aLib.getTableData(client, function (uiTable){ 


 exports.getTableData = function(callback){ 

因此, 您正试图将对象client作为一个函数调用 ,这是无法工作的。


 exports.getTableData = function(client, callback){ 



然后当你尝试return callback(uiArray); 你得到错误。