
所以我正在尝试为我的网站创build一个注册/login逻辑,使用passport和bcrypt-nodejs进行密码散列。 我成功地注册了一个用户,但是在login时,我总是进入'false'分支进行密码validation,并且正在获取我的控制台消息'错误的密码'这里是我的login护照代码:

passport.use('user-local-login', new LocalStrategy({ // by default, local strategy uses username and password, we will override with email usernameField : 'email', passwordField : 'password', passReqToCallback : true }, function(req, email, password, done) { // callback with email and password from our form // find a user whose email is the same as the forms email // we are checking to see if the user trying to login already exists User.findOne({ 'email' : email }, function(err, user) { // if there are any errors, return the error before anything else if (err) return done(err); // if no user is found, return the message if (!user) { console.log('No user found.'); return done(null, false, req.flash('loginMessage', 'No user found.')); // req.flash is the way to set flashdata using connect-flash } bcrypt.compare(password, user.password, function(err, res) { if (err) throw err; if(!res) { console.log('Ooops!. Wrong Pass!'); return done(null, false, req.flash('loginMessage', 'Oops! Wrong password.')); // create the loginMessage and save it to session as flashdata } return done(null, user); }); }); })); 


 passport.use('user-local-signup', new LocalStrategy({ usernameField : 'email', passwordField: 'password', passReqToCallback: true // allows us to pass back the entire request to the callback }, function (req, email, password, done) { // asynch // User.findOne will not fire unless data is sent back process.nextTick(function() { User.findOne({'email' : email}, function (err, user) { if(err) return done(err); if(user) { console.log('That email is already taken'); return done(null, false, req.flash('signupMessage', 'That email is already taken.')); } else { // checks for password and repeat_password match if (password != req.body.repeat_password) { console.log('Passwords do not match.'); return done(null, false, req.flash('signupMessage', 'Passwords do not match.')); } var newUser = new User(); newUser.email = email; bcrypt.hash(password, null, null, function(err,hash){ if (err) throw err; else { newUser.password = hash; } }); newUser.save(function(err) { if(err) throw err; return done(null, newUser); }); console.log('New user was created: ' + email); } }); }); }));