
哪个是适用于Azure通知中心的正确插件,用于离子应用程序? 在Phonegap / Cordova中有很多推送通知的插件,其中一些已经被弃用了。 请提供一些离线客户端实现Azure通知集线器的代码片段的参考链接,以及与node.js服务器端实现相同的参考链接。

在我的Ionic项目testing中,我使用了上的 Mobile Services插件库和上的 PushPlugin .git 。



/**** Mobile service configs ****/ var mobileServiceClient; var mobileServiceUrl = 'https://<your_mobile_service_name>'; var mobileSerivceKey = '<your service key>'; /**** Notification hubs configs *****/ var GCM_SENDER_ID = 'gcm_sender_id_number'; // Replace with your own ID. var androidConfig = { "senderID": GCM_SENDER_ID, }; 


 angular.module('myapp', ['ionic','ngCordova']) .run(function($ionicPlatform,$rootScope,$cordovaPush) { $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) { cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(true); } if (window.StatusBar) { // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required StatusBar.styleDefault(); } //init mobileServiceClient mobileServiceClient = new WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient(mobileServiceUrl,mobileSerivceKey); //register notification push console.log("======mobileServiceClient inited going on ======"); $cordovaPush.register(androidConfig).then(function(result) { // Success console.log("=============register finished========"); }, function(err) { // Error }) $rootScope.$on('$cordovaPush:notificationReceived', function(event, notification) { switch(notification.event) { case 'registered': if (notification.regid.length > 0 ) { $rootScope.GCM_status = true; alert('registration ID = ' + notification.regid); //register to Azure Mobile Service if (mobileServiceClient) { // Template registration. var template = '{ "data" : {"message":"$(message)"}}'; // Register for notifications. mobileServiceClient.push.gcm.registerTemplate(notification.regid, "myTemplate", template, null) .done(function () { $rootScope.Azure_Push_status = true; alert('Registered template with Azure!'); }); // .fail(function (error) { // alert('Failed registering with Azure: ' + error); // }); } } break; case 'message': // this is the actual push notification. its format depends on the data model from the push server alert('message = ' + notification.message + ' msgCount = ' + notification.msgcnt); break; case 'error': alert('GCM error = ' + notification.msg); break; default: alert('An unknown GCM event has occurred'); break; } }); // WARNING: dangerous to unregister (results in loss of tokenID) $cordovaPush.unregister().then(function(result) { // Success! }, function(err) { // Error }) }); }) 

有关在Cordova应用程序中集成Azure通知集线器的更多信息,请参阅Microsoft Azure:将通知推送到使用Microsoft Azure的Cordova应用程序。