Azure函数 – NodeJS – 作为stream的响应主体

当你点击给定的Azure函数端点时,我想从Blob存储中返回一个文件。 这个文件是二进制数据。





 'use strict'; const azure = require('azure-storage'), stream = require('stream'); const BLOB_CONTAINER = 'DeContainer'; module.exports = function(context){ var file = context.bindingData.file; var blobService = azure.createBlobService(); var outputStream = new stream.Writable(); blobService.getBlobToStream(BLOB_CONTAINER, file, outputStream, function(error, serverBlob) { if(error) { FileNotFound(context); } else { context.res = { status: 200, headers: { }, isRaw: true, body : outputStream }; context.done(); } }); } function FileNotFound(context){ context.res = { status: 404, headers: { "Content-Type" : "application/json" }, body : { "Message" : "No esta aqui!."} }; context.done(); } 

不幸的是,我们还没有在NodeJS中实现stream式支持 – 这是在积压: https : //


虽然@Matt Manson的回答绝对是基于我问我问题的方式,但下面的代码片段可能对于在这个问题上磕磕绊绊的人更有用。



 'use strict'; const azure = require('azure-storage'), stream = require('stream'); const BLOB_CONTAINER = 'deContainer'; module.exports = function(context){ var file = context.bindingData.file; var blobService = azure.createBlobService(); var outputStream = new stream.Writable(); outputStream.contents = new Uint8Array(0);//Initialize contents. //Override the write to store the value to our "contents" outputStream._write = function (chunk, encoding, done) { var curChunk = new Uint8Array(chunk); var tmp = new Uint8Array(this.contents.byteLength + curChunk.byteLength); tmp.set(this.contents, 0); tmp.set(curChunk, this.contents.byteLength); this.contents = tmp; done(); }; blobService.getBlobToStream(BLOB_CONTAINER, file, outputStream, function(error, serverBlob) { if(error) { FileNotFound(context); } else { context.res = { status: 200, headers: { }, isRaw: true, body : outputStream.contents }; context.done(); } });//*/ } function FileNotFound(context){ context.res = { status: 404, headers: { "Content-Type" : "application/json" }, body : { "Message" : "No esta aqui!"} }; context.done(); }