
我正在为我正在构build的产品build立一些APItesting。 其中一个testing看起来像这样:

GET FILTERS ✓ should be restricted (45ms) it should get the filters ✓ should return 200 ✓ should return an object ✓ should close db connections GET USERS COUNT ✓ should be restricted ✓ should throw error when payload is not correct it should get the user count ✓ should return 200 ✓ should return an object ✓ should close db connections GET USERS FILE ✓ should be restricted ✓ should throw error when no queryId is specified it should retrieve the file ✓ should return 200 ✓ should download an excel file ✓ should close db connections UPLOAD PROMOTION IMAGE ✓ should throw error when no file is specified it should save the file ✓ should return 200 ✓ should have named the file with the title of the promotion ✓ should have uploaded the file to S3 (355ms) ✓ should close db connections CREATE PROMOTION it should save the promotion ✓ should return 200 ✓ should return a correct response ✓ should close db connections GET PROMOTIONS ✓ should be restricted it should get the promotions ✓ should return 200 ✓ should be an array of promotions ✓ should contain the previously created promotion UPDATE PROMOTION it should update the promotion ✓ should return 200 ✓ should return a correct response ✓ should close db connections PUT PROMOTION IN BIN it should put the promotion in the bin ✓ should return 200 ✓ should return a correct response ✓ should close db connections GET ARCHIVED PROMOTIONS ✓ should be restricted it should get the promotions ✓ should return 200 ✓ should be an array of promotions ✓ should be an array of archived promotions ✓ should contain the previously archived promotion DELETE PROMOTION it should delete the promotion ✓ should return 200 ✓ should return a correct response ✓ should have deleted the file from S3 (563ms) ✓ should close db connections 


在这个例子中,我创build了一个随机生成促销,然后使用该促销的ID来读取,更新,归档,然后删除它。 每一步都是连接的,我需要为每件套装都有返回值(即:插入的促销的ID或filter…)





 describe.only("Gifts Workflow", function() { var createdGift; describe("CREATE", function() { require("./GIFTS/CREATE.js")().then(function(data) { createdGift = data; }); }); describe("READ FROM WEB", function() { require("./GIFTS/READ FROM WEB.js")(createdGift).then(function(data) { }); }); }); 


 module.exports = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { //DO SOME TESTS WITH IT AND DESCRIBE after(function() { resolve(createdGift); }); }); 


问题是testing立即由mocha初始化,因此在第二个testing套件“READ FROM WEB”中,作为createdGift传递的值立即被赋予testing,而不等待第一个testing完成,因此未定义被传递。



 var create = require("./GIFTS/CREATE"); var read = require("./GIFTS/READ FROM WEB"); describe.only("Gifts Workflow", function() { create(function(createdGift) { read(createdGift); }); }); 


 module.exports = function(callback) { var createdGift; //SOME TESTS describe("it should insert a gift", function() { var result; before(function() { return request .post(url) .then(function(res) { createdGift = res.body; }); }); //SOME OTHER TESTS }); after(function() { callback(createdGift); }); }; 


 module.exports = function(createdGift) { it("should be restricted", function(done) { request .get(url) .query({}) .end(function(err, res) { expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(400); done(); }); }); describe("it should read all gifts", function() { //SOME TESTS }); }; 


 Gifts Workflow ✓ should be restricted ✓ should not work when incomplete payload is specified it should insert a gift ✓ should return 200 ✓ should return an object ✓ should have uploaded the image to S3 (598ms) ✓ should close db connections it should read all gifts ✓ should return 200 ✓ should return an array ✓ should contain the previously added gift ✓ should close db connections 10 passing (3s) 



  1. 摩卡称之为根套件
  2. Mochafind了Gifts Workflow套件并执行这个套件中的create()函数
  3. 由于该function是asynchronous的,Mocha认为Gifts Workflow套件已经结束并返回到根套件
  4. read()被执行
  5. 摩卡从根套件退出,进入下一个testing,因为它是asynchronous的,它认为所有的testing都完成了
  6. testing#3,4,5 …从未被调用


我正在处理类似的问题,我发现至less有工作。 请评论,如果有什么不工作。



  • 将所有描述块封装在函数中,由模块导出
  • 将callback传递给提供返回值的函数
  • 按顺序使用testing套件中的callback调用函数



 index.js test1.js test2.js 

在您的testing文件中,您将您的testing包装在导出的函数中。 请注意,我使用ES6导入/导出模块。


 export const test1_method = function(callback){ let returnValue; // declared outside the tests describe("test 1", function(){ it ("1. unit", function(){ assert.isTrue(true); // assigned inside test returnValue = 42; }); it ("2. unit", function(){ assert.isTrue(true); callback(returnValue); // called in the last unit }); }); } 

正如你所看到的,这个函数有一个简单的callback函数,在最后一个单元中被调用。 你可能会争论,这是非常模糊的。 我同意,但在实践中,我从来没有看到它的序列随机性 – 描述块内的单位。 因此,您可以假定,在您的最后一个单位运行后,将会调用callback。


 export const test2_method = function(previousValue){ describe("test 2", function(){ it ("runs correctly with a dependency value", function(){ assert.equal(previousValue, 42); }) }) } 



 import {test1_method} from './test1.js'; import {test2_method} from './test2.js'; test1_method(function(test1Result){ // run the other tests in the callback test2_method(test1Result); }); 

在这里,你把testing粘在一起。 这将是你的套件的根源。 您调用第一个方法并提供一个callback函数,最终将结果传递给test2方法。 你的第一个testing的结果是令人惊讶的不是未定义的,你可以很容易地把它作为parameter passing给test2。


 I20170515-15:09:33.768(2)? test 1 I20170515-15:09:33.769(2)? I20170515-15:09:33.770(2)? ✓ 1. unit I20170515-15:09:33.770(2)? I20170515-15:09:33.771(2)? ✓ 2. unit I20170515-15:09:33.771(2)? I20170515-15:09:33.772(2)? test 2 I20170515-15:09:33.773(2)? I20170515-15:09:33.773(2)? ✓ runs correctly with a dependency value 



你写你的testing参数化,这也使得它们可重用,取决于用例。 在我的testing套件中,例如有一个函数,其中包含10个testing的描述,这个testing适用于我所有的mongo集合。






before在你的描述块中失踪了。 下面的作品适合我。


 module.exports = () => { const aGift = 'a gift'; console.log('creating: ' + aGift); return Promise.resolve(aGift); }; 


 module.exports = createdGift => { console.log('read-from-web got: ' + createdGift); return Promise.resolve('something read from the web'); }; 


 //---------// // Imports // //---------// const chai = require('chai') , create = require('./helpers/gifts/create') , readFromWeb = require('./helpers/gifts/read-from-web') ; //------// // Init // //------// chai.should(); //------// // Main // //------// describe('gifts workflow', () => { var createdGift , somethingReadFromTheWeb ; describe('create', () => { before(() => create() .then(data => { createdGift = data; }) ); it('created gift should exist', () => { createdGift.should.equal('a gift'); }); }); describe('read from web', () => { before(() => readFromWeb(createdGift) .then(data => { somethingReadFromTheWeb = data; }) ); it('something should be read from the web', () => { somethingReadFromTheWeb.should.equal('something read from the web'); }); }); }); 

结果输出 (原谅混乱)

 $ mocha gifts workflow create creating: a gift ✓ created gift should exist read from web read-from-web got: a gift ✓ something should be read from the web 2 passing (10ms)