
我目前正在做一个在Node.js中构build的tic tac脚趾多人游戏。

我的主要问题是搞清楚如何检查胜利条件。 我知道如何使用数组,但我想这样编程我的游戏….

var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var gameSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ player1: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" }, player2: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" }, // This would be an array of selected spaces for 'x' or 'o' placements: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Placement" }], // This would be the username of the current player. currentPlayer: String }); module.export = mongoose.model('Game', gameSchema); 


 var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var placementSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ marker: String, //x or o selectedSpace: Number // 0-8 }); module.export = mongoose.model('Placement', placementSchema); 





 // req.params.game = ID of board game // req.body = { marker: 'x' or 'o', selectedSpace: 0 to 8 } app.post('/game/:game/placement', (req, res, next) => { // find the board game Game.findById(req.params.game, (err, game) => { if (err) return next(err); // create placement (!) Placement.create(req.body, (err, placement) => { if (err) return next(err); // add placement to game game.placements.push(placement._id); // you might want to swap game.currentPlayer at this point too; i'll leave that to you game.save(err => { if (err) return next(err); // get placements b/c we'll need to check all of them game.populate('placements').execPopulate().then(() => { let winner = game.getWinner(); if (winner) { // send response to declare winner and stop game } else { // send response to do nothing } }); }); }); }); }); 


 // this is where you would add the logic to check if there is a winner or not; // a winner is someone who has 0 1 2 (horizontal 1st row), 3 4 5 (horizontal 2nd row), 6 7 8 (horizontal 3rd row), // 0 3 6 (vertical 1st column), 1 4 7 (vertical 2nd column), 2 5 8 (vertical 3rd column), 0 4 8 (diagonal), 2 4 6 (diagonal); // this has not been tested but should give you some pointers at least; // there might be even a simpler logic gameSchema.methods.getWinner = function () { let strikes = [[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8], [0,3,6], [1,4,7], [2,5,8], [0,4,8], [2,4,6]]; let dict = { x: [], o: [] }; // group placements by marker (!) let winningPlacement = this.placements.find(placement => { dict[placement.marker].push(placement.selectedSpace); // check if any of the strikes is contained in the marker's list of selected spaces return strikes.some(strike => isSuper(dict[placement.marker], strike)); }); // assuming player1 is always 'x' if (winningPlacement) { return winningPlacement.marker == 'x' ? this.player1 : this.player2; } return false; }; 


国际海事组织,但我认为你应该重新考虑你的devise。 例如,使用一个引用数组有点不必要。 这样可以节省你的时间(!)也无法区分哪个玩家是X或O(除非你假设player1总是先以X开头)。