

io.in(socket.RoomId).emit('Test'); io.to(socket.RoomId).emit('Test'); io.sockets.in(socket.RoomId).emit('Test'); 

我想作为服务器发送,所以不用在房间里使用现有的sockets。 但是因为我找不到方法,我尝试了以下方法:





我究竟做错了什么? 为什么我不能作为服务器发送给特定房间的所有客户?

更新2:为li X添加更多的代码

 io.on('connection', function(socket){ console.log('client connected'); playerCount++; //For testing purposes I give player random generated string using: var shortid = require('shortid'); socket.id = shortid.generate(); console.log('id of this socket is:' + socket.id); //When client decides to play the game and want's to join a random room socket.on('JoinRoom', function () { //Checks if there exist an open room if(OpenRoom.length > 0) { //Joins first room in openroom list socket.join(OpenRoom[0].RID); socket.RoomId = OpenRoom[0].RID; //Joinedroom lets player open the next scene in my game socket.emit('JoinedRoom'); //Joinedroom is a function that sends information to the socket about the room and the state of the game, //adding the the player to room etc. JoinedRoom(socket.id, OpenRoom[0].RID, socket); } else { //If there is no open room, it creates a new room with new id. OpenRoom.push({ RID:shortid.generate(), TimeOutID: null }); //Joins room socket.join(OpenRoom[OpenRoom.length - 1].RID); socket.RoomId = OpenRoom[OpenRoom.length - 1].RID; //Creates room and fills information to it socket.emit('JoinedRoom'); var NewRoom = new Room(OpenRoom[OpenRoom.length - 1].RID) NewRoom.addPlayer(socket.id); NewRoom.addSocket(socket); Rooms.push(NewRoom); OpenRoom[OpenRoom.length - 1].TimeOutID = setTimeout(CloseRoom, 5000, OpenRoom[OpenRoom.length - 1]); } //Checking if RoomId exists, it exists. console.log(socket.RoomId); //When I send 'test' to client, the client should print 'Succesfully Tested' to the console //For io.to I dont get the message 'Succesfully Tested' io.to(socket.RoomId).emit('Test'); //With socket.emit I get 'Succesfully Tested' message inside my console at the client side. socket.emit('Test'); }); 


默认情况下,当socket.id被派生出来时,所有的套接字都被连接到自己的私人空间,但是要创build分隔的房间,则需要调用socket.join('foo'); 在你想成为一个房间的一部分sockets。

然后,你可以使用io.to('foo').emit('test');发送消息到房间io.to('foo').emit('test'); 另外请注意,你也可以在io.之间添加broadcast io..to将允许您发送一个消息, 除了谁打电话的sockets的所有sockets。

socket.join(OpenRoom[OpenRoom.length - 1].RID); 也应该是socket.join(OpenRoom[OpenRoom[0]].RID);

你需要使用socket.On('Test', data =>{ //code here})在这个函数中,你可以调用函数onTest,并通过数据传递必要的信息。