
我有一个app.get,将返回客户数据和客户购买。 在这个app.get内部,我需要运行两个mysql调用,并build立一个数组传回来。


app.get('/customer', function (req,res) { var response1 = []; var response2 = []; var processedData = []; connection.query('QUERY HERE', function(err, rows, fields) { if (!err){ response.push({rows}); } else { res.status(400).send(err); } }); //for loop 'response' results and perform another query for (var i = 0; i < response1.length; i++) { var row = response1[i]; connection.query('QUERY HERE FOR row.customerid', function(err, rows, fields) { if (!err){ processedData.push({'Customer Name:' : row.customername, 'purchases' : rows}); } else { res.status(400).send(err); } }); } //Send json back res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.status(200).send(JSON.stringify(processedData)); }); 

有一个非常方便的模块叫async.js ,它提供了一堆用于执行复杂的asynchronous操作的函数。 尤其,

  • 当需要从一个asynchronous操作/任务传递结果到另一个时, async.waterfall()非常棒。

  • async.mapSeries()非常适用于需要使用asynchronous操作/任务数组创build新数组的情况。



 app.get('/customer', function (req, res) { async.waterfall([ // each task is passed a callback 'cb' as last argument; // you MUST call it at least and at most once within each task; // if you pass an error into the callback as the first argument, it will stop the async function function task1 (cb1) { //connection.query('QUERY HERE', function(err, rows, fields) { // if (err) return cb1(err); // stop waterfall() if an error occurred // cb1(null, rows, fields); // pass results down to next task //}); connection.query('QUERY HERE', cb1); // shorter version }, function task2 (rows, fields, cb2) { // iterate and run async operation over each element in array 'rows' async.mapSeries(rows, function getPurchases (row, cb3) { connection.query('QUERY HERE FOR row.customerid', function (err, purchases, fields) { if (err) return cb3(err); // stop mapSeries() if an error occurred cb3(null, { 'Customer Name': row.customername, 'purchases': purchases }) }); }, function (err, customers) { // when mapSeries() is done iterating OR if an error occurred, it will come here if (err) return cb2(err); // stop waterfall() if an error occurred cb2(null, customers) }); // }, cb2); // shorter version } ], function (err, customers) { // when waterfall() is done all its tasks OR if an error occurred, it will come here // handle error and send response here }); });