
nodemon + gulp +手表+服务器

目前我正在使用gulp-nodemon来启动hapijs服务器并观察跟踪文件的变化。 一切正常,唯一的问题是,我已经尝试了gulp-livereload / browser-sync / gulp-connect所有这些包,但是当在任何js / css文件中更改时,我的手表运行完美。 但浏览器不重装。


我不想使用Chrome扩展。 我只是想实现使用livereload端口35729。

/** * Gulp Task js for internal Javascript and CSS (Less) files * Include dependencies */ 'use strict'; var gulp = require('gulp-param')(require('gulp'), process.argv), concat = require('gulp-concat'), uglify = require('gulp-uglify'), minifyCss = require('gulp-minify-css'), runSequence = require('run-sequence'), nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'), livereload = require('gulp-livereload'), htmlMin = require('gulp-htmlmin'), path = require('path'), filePath = { appCss: [ 'assets/css/*.css' ], appJs: [ 'bower_components/angular/angular.js', 'bower_components/angular-animate/angular-animate.js', 'bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js', 'bower_components/angular-lazy-img/release/angular-lazy-img.js', 'app/**/**/*.js', 'app/modules/**/**/*.js', 'app/app.js' ], indexHtml: './index.html', dest: './build/static', env: '' }, environmentFileNames = ['local', 'development', 'staging', 'production']; /* Tasks */ /* Combine all the css files in one file */ gulp.task('appCss', function() { return gulp.src(filePath.appCss) .pipe(concat('app.css')) .pipe(gulp.dest(filePath.dest + '/css')) .pipe(livereload()); }); /* Combine all the css files in one file and minify it*/ gulp.task('appCssMin', function() { return gulp.src(filePath.appCss) .pipe(concat('app.css')) .pipe(minifyCss({ compatibility: 'ie8' })) .pipe(gulp.dest(filePath.dest + '/css')); }); /* Combine all the js files in one file */ gulp.task('appJs', function() { return gulp.src(filePath.appJs) .pipe(concat('app.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest(filePath.dest + '/js')) .pipe(livereload()); }); /* Combine all the js files in one file and minify it*/ gulp.task('appJsMin', function() { return gulp.src(filePath.appJs) .pipe(concat('app.js')) .pipe(uglify({ mangle: false })) .pipe(gulp.dest(filePath.dest + '/js')); }); /*Get inde index html file and put it in build folder*/ gulp.task('appIndexHtml', function() { return gulp.src(filePath.indexHtml) .pipe(concat('index.html')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build')); }); /*Get inde index html file, minify it and put it in build folder*/ gulp.task('appIndexHtmlMin', function() { return gulp.src(filePath.indexHtml) .pipe(htmlMin({ collapseWhitespace: true })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build')) }); /*Comapre env parameter and pushed environment file as per given name in env*/ gulp.task('addEnv', function(env, callback) { /*If user has not provided any environment file name*/ if (env == undefined || env == true || (environmentFileNames.indexOf(env) == -1)) { console.log('Please provide environment file name to be include i.e'); console.log('--env local'); console.log('--env development'); console.log('--env staging'); console.log('--env production'); return; } filePath.env = env; filePath.appJs.push('config/' + env + '.js'); callback(); }); /*Run server and watch for changes*/ gulp.task('nodemon', function() { nodemon({ script: 'web_server.js', }) .on('start', ['watch']); }) /*Watch for changes in file, compile it for changes has done*/ gulp.task('watch', function() { livereload.listen(); if (filePath.env == '') { filePath.env = 'local' filePath.appJs.push('config/' + filePath.env + '.js'); } gulp.watch(filePath.appCss, ['appCss']); gulp.watch(filePath.appJs, ['appJs']); gulp.watch(filePath.indexHtml, ['appIndexHtml']); }); /*Default task which accepts two parameter from command env (name of environment file) and minify flag for minification*/ gulp.task('default', ['addEnv'], function(minify, callback) { if (minify) { //Minify all the files and run server runSequence('appJsMin', 'appCssMin', 'appIndexHtmlMin', 'nodemon', callback); } else { //Run server without minifing the file runSequence('appJs', 'appCss', 'appIndexHtml', 'nodemon', callback); } });